
Preferred date for project presentation?

Written on 19.12.2023 16:01 by Ingmar Weber

Dear all,

On Jan 23, Jan 30, and Feb 6 we will have the project presentations. We will have two presentations on each of the first two dates, and one on the last date.

Team A (Shams and Moustafa) have expressed a desire to present on the first date (Jan 23).

@Other groups: Please let us know if you have a preference for a particular date, in particular if that date is _not_ Feb 6. (I assume that most people will want to present last.)

While we cannot guarantee to satisfy your preference, we'll certainly make an effort.

Please let us know your date preference no later than Jan 2. We will announce the data assignment on Jan 3, so that each group has at least three weeks to prepare.

Thanks again for your interest in your seminar, and have some nice holidays!

Best regards,


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