
Reproducibility requirements for the project submission

Written on 22.02.2024 13:11 by Till Koebe

Dear all,

please note that we strongly encourage you to work on your project in a reproducible manner. As mentioned in our session on reproducibility, there are many ways to achieve that, so we do not demand from you to use  one specific solution, but, from our experience, the use of online coding environments such as Google Colab or containerisation/virtualization such as Docker are good ways to go about it.

However, at a minimum, we ask you to:

- submit your code alongside your report (alternatively in a notebook in one document)

- provide instructions how to run your code

- check whether the code runs on other group members' machines and produces the same results

We will positively recognise it, if a submission runs smoothly and reproduces the reported results on the first attempt. We will negatively recognise it, if a submission still does not run smoothly after debugging attempts.

Good luck with your exams!

All the best,



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