
Theses Options, Books on Tech Ethics, and Other Ways to Engage

Written on 06.02.2024 17:03 by Ingmar Weber

(following up on a conversation at the end of the seminar today)

If the general topics we discussed in the course are of interest to you:

1. Keep us in mind for theses at all levels (BSc/MSc). Just get in touch. We're always looking for motivated students. We could either propose topics from a list we have, or work with you on something that you're passionate about.

2. Check out these book lists, compiled by Casey Fiesler:

3. Look online for events under the umbrellas of "Data Science for Social Good" (DSSG) as well as "Computational Social Science". E.g.: local hackathon a yearly (?) opportunity to pitch "for good" technology (was for 2023, but they might have more iterations) (more locations coming soon)

We're also completely revamping at the moment and will also have more events there.

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