
UdS ICPC Training

Written on 24.04.2024 15:14 by Yasmine Melina Briefs

Competitive programming is like a sport. In the same way, as in sports, there are competitions and training sessions. If you would like to solve hard problems, compete with others, and travel around Europe (and the world), join our ICPC training telegram chat. We will hold meetings, discussions, lectures, and training sessions. If you are interested, join using this link:
Note that this is NOT connected to the course in any way. Participating in ICPC training will neither affect your grade for the course nor give you any additional credit points. Join solely for your personal interest. What it will affect though is your NWERC performance :)

P.S. Note that the number of places at NWERC for each university is limited, so eliminations will be held to decide who will go to NWERC. Participation in the ICPC training will also help you prepare for this elimination.

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