Registration for this course is open until Thursday, 31.10.2024 23:59.


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BioStatsLab (a BSc Bioinformatics Replacement for MInf3)

Basic mandatory course, B.Sc. Bioinformatics, Saarland University.

Prerequisites Mathematics (MInf1+Minf2, especially some  analysis and linear algebra); good programming skills
Credits 9 ECTS credits
Required time 4V+2Ü (4 hours of lectures, 2 hours of tutorials per week)
Language German (Materials are in English; course language is German)
Registration click on Registration in the menu header
Details available after registration in the Course Management system

Lecture: Wednesday 08:30 - 10:00 and Friday 12:15 - 13:45. (Starts on Wed Oct 16, 2024)
Tutorials: TBA
Office Hour Johanna Schmitz: TBA

Mode lecture in presence in E2.1, room 0.01
Instructor Prof. Dr. Sven Rahmann
Tutorials M. Sc. Johanna Schmitz


Target audience 

This course is offered as a basic lecture in the B.Sc. Bioinformatics program as a replacement for Mathematics for Informaticians 3 (MInf3).
Thus it should be taken in the 3rd semester, after completing MInf1 and MInf2, as well as Programming 1 & 2.

You will need some programming skills to qualify for the exam. Best would be Python, but you can use a language of your choice.
Please do not waste your time by attempting this course without a solid basis in programming.



The following topics will be covered in the course; additional topics may be included, depending on time and current events.


  • randomness
  • uniform distributions on finite sets (Laplace spaces)
  • elementary and advanced combinatorics
  • finite, discrete and continuous probability spaces
  • random variables
  • discrete probability distributions and where they come from
  • probability distributions and OOP, scipy.stats
  • conditional probabilities
  • Bayes’ Theorem, simple version
  • continuous probability distributions
  • a glimpse at measure theory
  • posterior distributions


  • descriptive statistics
  • moments of random variables (expectation, variance, …)
  • parametric models
  • statistical testing (frequentist view)
  • statistical testing (Bayesian view)
  • parameter estimation: moments, maximum likelihood
  • parameter estimation in mixture models: EM algorithm
  • regression (simple linear, logistic, robust, multiple)
  • regularization and Bayesian view on estimation
  • robust regression
  • multiple regression
  • logistic regression

Stochastic Processes

  • stochastic processes
  • models for random sequences
  • Markov chains
  • Markov processes: models of sequence evolution
  • Hidden Markov Models and applications
  • Probabilistic Arthimetic Automata (PAAs) and applications
  • the Poisson process
  • distribution of DNA Motif Occurrences: compound Poisson
  • significance of pairwise sequence alignment

Applications in Bioinformatics

  • tests for differential gene expression
  • Bayesian view on differential gene expression
  • high-dimensionality low-sample problem
  • multiple testing
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