
Consequences of plagiarism

Written on 18.07.2022 19:32 by Sven Rahmann

Dear all,

an alarming and increasing number of you have recently submitted plagiarized solutions to assignments. In the very first lecture I made the clear statement that this will not be tolerated. On the first occasion, you receive a warning. On the second occasion, you are out of the course, i.e. not admitted to the exam. We also report you to the examination office.

If you cannot solve an assignment, don't do it. You only need 50%. This is very little (if you actually aim for 100%, as you should. If you try to optimize = minimize your work for this course, this is the wrong attitude, and you will get problems in the exam.)

Because of the alarmingly high rate of plagiarized solutions that we found, we will now be taking an even closer look.

Some of you will be informed shortly that you have not met the examination criteria.

Plagiarism goes against every academic honor code. If you understand this, you don't copy. If you do not understand this, you are in deep trouble. I suggest you quit university before you actually ruin your life.

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