
Recordings and first assignment online!

Written on 14.04.2022 22:15 by Sven Rahmann

Dear all,

after zoom took some time to process the recordings, the videos of today's lecture are online now (00: administrative business; 01: first lecture) and can be accessed from the Materials section. Assignment 01 is also online. Please 1) download and read the PDF, and 2) access the link to github classroom, where you must accept the assignment. You will also need a github account. If you have any questions, please contact Jens Zentgraf (see Team).

Next week, we will look in detail at the average time analysis of the naive algorithm (and how to derive it), and will get to know a vastly faster algorithm. Note that Monday is a holiday, and there will be no lecture on Monday. Tutorials will start next week, and you will receive instructions on how to express your preferences. In case of any doubts about the situation, we suggest to go to the online tutorial first and maybe later switch to the on-campus tutorial.

Happy holidays!

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