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Results of the exam now in the LSF

Geschrieben am 21.02.25 von Manuel Kany

Dear participants,

we finished marking the Algebra exam and you can now see your grade  in the LSF.

Have a nice holiday!



Exam Review

Geschrieben am 19.02.25 von Gabriela Weitze-Schmithuesen

The exam review will be this Friday (21.2.) 10:15am - 11am in SR 10  in building E2.4.


Geschrieben am 14.02.25 von Pascal Kattler

Dear participants,


You are allowed to bring one (!) handwritten sheet for the exam.

(You write on both sides of the sheet)



Pascal Kattler

Registeration for the exam

Geschrieben am 10.02.25 von Gabriela Weitze-Schmithuesen

Dear Participants,

IMPORTANT: if you want to write the exam next week please do not hesitate to register TODAY (one week before the exam).


Gabriela Weitze-Schmithüsen

Inquiry of a student from our lecture: Interested in a seminar on topology next summer?

Geschrieben am 17.12.24 von Gabriela Weitze-Schmithuesen

Inquiry regarding a possible seminar in the upcoming summer semester:  Who would be interested in a seminar on Algebraic Topology in the summer semester? There is a possibility that Professor Lazić will offer this again if there is sufficient interest. I have put the list of topics of the… Weiterlesen
Inquiry regarding a possible seminar in the upcoming summer semester:  Who would be interested in a seminar on Algebraic Topology in the summer semester? There is a possibility that Professor Lazić will offer this again if there is sufficient interest. I have put the list of topics of the seminar held in 2023/24 here in the cms into materials/others.  If you are interested, please send an email to Mr. Philipp Weisang (email: He can also provide you with more information about it.



Anfrage zu einem möglichen Seminar im kommenden Sommersemester:
Wer hätte Interesse daran, dass es im Sommersemester ein Seminar zu Algebraischer Topologie gibt? Es steht die Möglichkeit im Raum, dass Professor LazićLazic bei genügend Interesse dies wieder anbietet. Ich habe Ihnen die Themenliste vom entsprechenden Seminar 20223/24 hier ins cms in Materialien/Others gestellt. Falls Sie Interesse haben, dann schreiben Sie eine Email an Herrn Philipp Weisang (email: Er kann Ihnen auch mehr Infos dazu geben.




Geschrieben am 06.11.24 von Gabriela Weitze-Schmithuesen

Dear participants,

here is as promised the decision about the type of the exams: They will be written exams. The dates are 17-02-2025 and 26-03-2025.

Gabriela Weitze-Schmithüsen

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