
Additional exercise session on Thursday

Geschrieben am 11.02.25 von Gabriela Weitze-Schmithuesen

As promised Pascal Kattler will do an extra session do give you the option to ask questions about the solutions of the additional Exercise Sheet 14. It will take place in Seminar room SR 6 on Thursday (13.2.) at 2:15 pm .

First version of Sheet 14 uploaded

Geschrieben am 10.02.25 von Gabriela Weitze-Schmithuesen

As promised we have uploaded already some mixed exercises as "Sheet 14" to help you to prepare the exam. We will add more exercises to the sheet  soon.

Registeration for the exam

Geschrieben am 10.02.25 von Gabriela Weitze-Schmithuesen

Dear Participants,

IMPORTANT: if you want to write the exam next week please do not hesitate to register TODAY (one week before the exam).


Gabriela Weitze-Schmithüsen


Geschrieben am 10.02.25 von Gabriela Weitze-Schmithuesen

The exam next Monday (17.2.2025) takes place from 9 to 12 at Hörsaal III.


Additional office hour today from 12:45 - 13.45

Geschrieben am 31.01.25 von Gabriela Weitze-Schmithuesen

Dear participants,

unfortunately I am not that free today as I thought. Directly at 12 does not work, but you are very welcome to come between 12:45 and 13:45 to ask questions.


Gabriela Weitze-Schmithüsen

Evaluation Link now available

Geschrieben am 30.01.25 von Gabriela Weitze-Schmithuesen

Dear participants,

you can now fill in the evaluation for the lecture. You find the link under Informationen -->  Materialien --> Others (almost at the end of the page).

Unfortunately, the evaluation is only in German. Sorry about this!

It is great if you fill in the evaluation and give us… Weiterlesen

Dear participants,

you can now fill in the evaluation for the lecture. You find the link under Informationen -->  Materialien --> Others (almost at the end of the page).

Unfortunately, the evaluation is only in German. Sorry about this!

It is great if you fill in the evaluation and give us your feed back!

The link is open until next Tuesday.

Gabriela Weitze-Schmithüsen

Additional office hour today form 11:45 - 12.25

Geschrieben am 24.01.25 (letzte Änderung am 24.01.25) von Gabriela Weitze-Schmithuesen

As said in the lecture, please feel free to come today at 11:45 if you have questions. I have to leave around 12:30.

Gabriela Weitze-Schmithüsen

Exersice 3 on sheet 12

Geschrieben am 21.01.25 von Pascal Kattler

Dear participants,


We changed Exersice 3. You can now assume that K is infinite in Exersice 3.

The statement is also true for finite K, but hard to show with our current knowledge.



Pascal Kattler

Exercise 1b) on Sheet 11

Geschrieben am 17.01.25 von Gabriela Weitze-Schmithuesen

Dear participants of the lecture,

Exercise 1b) on the current sheet seems to be more difficult then we intended it to be. Hence it will not count to the regular pointing system. If someone solves it she or he will obtain 2 extra points for it. We also corrected some small typos in it. In… Weiterlesen

Dear participants of the lecture,

Exercise 1b) on the current sheet seems to be more difficult then we intended it to be. Hence it will not count to the regular pointing system. If someone solves it she or he will obtain 2 extra points for it. We also corrected some small typos in it. In particular the module should again be finitely generated.

I apologize for the inconvenience!

Gabriela Weitze-Schmithüsen


Office hour has to be postponed

Geschrieben am 15.01.25 (letzte Änderung am 15.01.25) von Gabriela Weitze-Schmithuesen

Dear participants,

as announced today: the office hour this week will be on Friday (17-01-2025) from 12:00 to  13:00.


Gabriela Weitze-Schmithüsen

Correction + Tip to Sheet 10

Geschrieben am 09.01.25 (letzte Änderung am 09.01.25) von Gabriela Weitze-Schmithuesen

Motivated by a question of a student here comes a correction and a tip for Exercise 3 a) on Sheet 10:

M should be finitely generated here.

As hint for the proof:

1) Recall for this that M/M_tor is free (Look it up in the lecture :-) )

2) This helps you to find a homomorphism from M/M_tor… Weiterlesen

Motivated by a question of a student here comes a correction and a tip for Exercise 3 a) on Sheet 10:

M should be finitely generated here.

As hint for the proof:

1) Recall for this that M/M_tor is free (Look it up in the lecture :-) )

2) This helps you to find a homomorphism from M/M_tor to M which embeds M/M_tor as submodule in M.

Thanks for the question!


Aufgrund einer Nachfrage eine kleine Korrektur und ein Tipp für Aufgabe 3 auf Blatt 10:

M soll hier  endlich erzeugt sein.

Zeigen Sie für a):

1) Erinneren Sie sich daran, dass M/M_tor frei ist (Schauen Sie dazu nochmal in die Vorlesung :-)).

2) Nun können Sie einen Homomorphismus von M/M_tor --> M definieren, der M/M_tor als Untermodul einbettet.

Vielen Dank für die Nachfrage!

Heute keine Sprechstunde

Geschrieben am 08.01.25 (letzte Änderung am 08.01.25) von Gabriela Weitze-Schmithuesen

Heute findet keine Sprechstunde statt. Dafür ist die Sprechstunde morgen (Donnerstag) 12 Uhr - 13 Uhr.

Inquiry of a student from our lecture: Interested in a seminar on topology next summer?

Geschrieben am 17.12.24 von Gabriela Weitze-Schmithuesen

Inquiry regarding a possible seminar in the upcoming summer semester:  Who would be interested in a seminar on Algebraic Topology in the summer semester? There is a possibility that Professor Lazić will offer this again if there is sufficient interest. I have put the list of topics of the… Weiterlesen
Inquiry regarding a possible seminar in the upcoming summer semester:  Who would be interested in a seminar on Algebraic Topology in the summer semester? There is a possibility that Professor Lazić will offer this again if there is sufficient interest. I have put the list of topics of the seminar held in 2023/24 here in the cms into materials/others.  If you are interested, please send an email to Mr. Philipp Weisang (email: He can also provide you with more information about it.



Anfrage zu einem möglichen Seminar im kommenden Sommersemester:
Wer hätte Interesse daran, dass es im Sommersemester ein Seminar zu Algebraischer Topologie gibt? Es steht die Möglichkeit im Raum, dass Professor LazićLazic bei genügend Interesse dies wieder anbietet. Ich habe Ihnen die Themenliste vom entsprechenden Seminar 20223/24 hier ins cms in Materialien/Others gestellt. Falls Sie Interesse haben, dann schreiben Sie eine Email an Herrn Philipp Weisang (email: Er kann Ihnen auch mehr Infos dazu geben.



Exercise Session

Geschrieben am 07.12.24 (letzte Änderung am 17.12.24) von Pascal Kattler

Dear participants,


unfortunately there is no other time for the exercise session. So the exercise session will remain at monday 8:30.



Pascal Kattler

Seminar Anwendungen der Linearen Algebra

Geschrieben am 06.11.24 von Gabriela Weitze-Schmithuesen

As promised today here are some further information: In this seminar (unfortunately in German) we are presenting some topics, where you directly how linear algebra is applied. Some of them are applications in the "real world", as for example cryptography, the page rank algorithm used in Google's… Weiterlesen

As promised today here are some further information: In this seminar (unfortunately in German) we are presenting some topics, where you directly how linear algebra is applied. Some of them are applications in the "real world", as for example cryptography, the page rank algorithm used in Google's search or error correcting codes. Others are application within the mathematics, e.g. in differential geometry, Hilbert spaces and the theory of presentations of finite groups. Talk 9 ab out Hilbert spaces is still free. Please let me know, if you are interested. 


Geschrieben am 06.11.24 von Gabriela Weitze-Schmithuesen

Dear participants,

here is as promised the decision about the type of the exams: They will be written exams. The dates are 17-02-2025 and 26-03-2025.

Gabriela Weitze-Schmithüsen

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About the course

The course provides an introduction to the basics of Algebra and algebraic structures such as groups, rings and fields. The goal for the end of the semester is to teach about algebraic equations and solvability of polynomial by radicals using Galois theory. In particular, the course will cover the following topics:

  • elementary category theory;
  • group operations, Sylow-Theorems and solvable groups;
  • theory of rings and ideals;
  • algebraic and transcendental field extensions, degree of a field extension, Galois theory and solvability by radicals.


Linear algebra 1 and 2.



There will be two classes each per week. The lecture starts in the first week of the semester, on Wednesday, 16 October 2023 at 14:15 in Hörsaal IV (building E2.4).

  • Wednesdays: 14:15 - 15:45 in building E2.4, Hörsaal IV;
  • Thursdays: 10:15 - 11:45 in building E2.4,  Hörsaal IV.

Problem session

There will be one problem session per week.



will be announced at the beginning of the lecture period


Assignments and exam criteria

There will be  a weekly homework assignment. Students may team up in groups of three.

The solutions of the weekly homework will be corrected and graded.




Lecturer    Prof. Dr. Gabriela Weitze-Schmithüsen

Office hours: Wednesday, 4:15 - 5:00

Assistant  Pascal Kattler

Office hours: Wednesday, 13:00 - 14:00





Our Library has compiled an online collection of books for your convenience.


Additional Literature

  • Ebbinghaus: "Einführung in die Mengenlehre", Springer 2021:
  • Jech: "Set theory", Springer 2003:
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