
Submit your questions on Chapter 2 exercises by tomorrow at 12:00

Written on 28.11.2024 09:50 by Andrea Lattuada

Dear Students, I have re-opened the "Chapter 02: Basics and Specification - Questions" Submission (you can reach it from your "Personal Status" page, like a regular exercise submissions) for you to submit questions on the Chapter 2 exercises. You can upload a txt, rtf, pdf, Word, or zip file (containing multiple of the file types I listed; if you submit something else I can't guarantee I'll be able to open it): you can only submit one file, so if you have multiple questions, add them all to one file / zip file. If you've already submitted,

I have made a copy of all the questions and (hopefully) answered them all during the exercise session yesterday (the recording is available): if you've already submitted and have further questions, feel free to replace your submission with further questions (they're timestamped, so I'll know that you have additional questions, but note that if you then replace the submission again, I'll only see the latest version). If you submit a question, please make sure you have also submitted at least a partial solution to the exercise itself (the "Chapter 02: Basics and Specification" submission), so I can reference your code if needed.

For questions I receive by the end of the day today, I'll give an answer or hint at the start of tomorrow's lecture.

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