Project 2 results, Exam appendix preview
Written on 14.02.2025 19:59 by Andrea Lattuada
Dear Students, you should have received emails with your results for Project 2. The score is out of 20 points: 10 points is the minimum score to pass.
Additionally, in "Materials" you can find the Appendix that will be part of your handout at the exam. I may still add material to the appendix: if that happens, I will let you know.
No other written aids will be allowed at the exam. You can refer to the last lecture for an overview of the kinds of problems that may be part of the exam.
For Project 2, the maximum scores for each graded section are as follows (your score for each is in [[x]] in the feedback)
high level spec:
put 1
get 1
noop 1
init 1
get 1
put 1
send 2
recv 2
refinement proof:
interpretation functions 1
invariant 2
refinement_init proof 2
refinement_next proof 5