
Erasmus / freemover exchange student registration, HISPOS registration

Written on 11.02.2025 15:45 by Andrea Lattuada

Dear Students, if you are an Erasmus or freemover exchange student that cannot register for the exam through HISPOS you should have just received an email from me with further instructions. If you are one such student and have not received a direct email about exam registration, you need to reach out by the end of this week to ensure you are properly registered for the exam.

Additionally, a number of students who would be admitted to the exam based on the homework exercises and Project 1 have not yet registered on HISPOS: I recommend you do so now. Once I publish the result of Project 2 (at the end of this week), I will inform any student who is registered but no longer fulfills the exam admission requirements, so you can de-register by the deadline.

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