
Chapter 07 released tomorrow, due on January 28th

Written on 15.01.2025 19:40 by Andrea Lattuada

Dear Students, as mentioned in class, tomorrow we will release the handout for Chapter 07. The submission is due on January 28th.
A few notes:

  • Like for chapter 5, submitting a compliant file (even if it doesn’t verify) grants you a point
  • If you pass the auto-grader (no hidden checks, just compliance and successful verification), you get an additional point
  • You need 1 out of 2 points needed to pass
    • I still strongly recommend attempting the exercise, as there may be questions about the refinement to an implementation in the exam
    • but you should prioritize Project 2.
  • If you score 2 points, you get a 8% bonus on the overall score of the projects + exam
    (relative to the maximum 100% score, not your score)
    ​​​​​This does not affect or change the requirement to pass the exercises and projects to be admitted to the exam
  • I reserve the right to add additional constraints and invalidate the bonus if a solution trivializes the verification in a way that I did not guard against (i.e. you should be faithful to the intent of the exercise -- if you are, then you'll likely get the bonus if you get the exercise to verify successfully)
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