
Score for chapter 5

Written on 27.12.2024 16:39 by Andrea Lattuada

Dear Students, a quick heads up on how chapter 5 is scored (due to its unusual requirement that the minimum score to pass is 0/1 as long as you do submit `` to the Chapter 04, 05 submission): in the Tests/Exam view for Chapter 5 you will see that you will receive 1 point if you have submitted ``, and 2 points if it passes the auto-grader: I have set the pass score on CMS to 1/2 points, which you will get if you have at least submitted ``. During the non-teaching period I will only update the scores occasionally, so if you have recently submitted chapter 5, it may be that the point(s) have not been awarded yet. Let me know if something is unclear, or if you have any questions.

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