
Fixes in Second Project

Written on 12.07.24 by Jan Reineke

We have fixed several bugs in the RISC-V simulator used in the second project. We have also updated the project description, in particular to clarify how the simulator handles timer and external interrupts.

In order to work with the improved version of the simulator you need to
1. Pull the changes… Read more

We have fixed several bugs in the RISC-V simulator used in the second project. We have also updated the project description, in particular to clarify how the simulator handles timer and external interrupts.

In order to work with the improved version of the simulator you need to
1. Pull the changes from
2. Update the docker images by running:
docker compose down
docker compose pull
docker compose up -d
3. Force reload in the browser to profit from the changes to the frontend.

Thanks for pointing out these problems and sorry about the inconvenience.

Extra Quiz on July 22

Written on 11.07.24 by Jan Reineke

There will be an extra seventh quiz on Monday, July 22. This quiz will cover material from the entire semester. Your six best quizzes will count towards admission to the exam.

First Project Graded

Written on 11.07.24 by Jan Reineke

We have finished grading the first project. You can find the results on your personal page in the CMS.

Second Project

Written on 01.07.24 (last change on 01.07.24) by Jan Reineke

The second project will be released during the lecture on Friday, July 5.

Tutorial Evaluation

Written on 01.07.24 by Jan Reineke

Please also help us improve the tutorials and participate in the evaluation of the tutorials using the following link:

Course Evaluation

Written on 28.06.24 (last change on 01.07.24) by Jan Reineke

Please help us improve the course and participate in the evaluation of the lecture using the following link:

Project Deadline Extended

Written on 26.06.24 by Jan Reineke

Upon popular request, the project deadline is extended until Sunday, June 30th, 23:59.

First Project

Written on 11.06.24 by Jan Reineke

This is just a reminder that Project I was released last Friday.

Don't forget to register your team in the CMS by the end of the day tomorrow!

Tutorial Reassignment

Written on 21.05.24 by Jan Reineke

Due to declining participation in the tutorials, we have closed Tutorials 4 and 7 and merged the respective students into the remaining tutorials.

If you were previously assigned to either Tutorial 4 or 7, please consult the CMS for your newly assigned tutorial.

Tutorial Assignment

Written on 23.04.24 by Jan Reineke

We have assigned all registered students to tutorials. You can find your assigned tutorial by logging in to the CMS.

The first tutorials and quizzes take place next Monday, April 29 at the following times: 8:30, 10:15, and 12:15. Be there on time!

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