
Re-exam inspection and future courses

Written on 10.10.2024 16:12 by Sven Rahmann

There is an opportunity to inspect your re-exam results on Tuesday, 15.10., berween 14:00 and 15:30 in E2.1, 1.06.

Unfortunately, only 4 out of 17 passed this time. This is a very low number, especially concerning the fact that the exam only checks elementary Python and the course does not even touch complex topics like concurrency, asynchronous functions, metaclasses, static type verification, etc. This will change in future editions of the course: The study regulations are in the process of being changed to make the programming course a graded 8 CP course. When they will go into effect is not known. Perhaps the next programming course is already under the new regulations, perhaps not; this depends on the speed of the lawyers and administrators.

If you have passed the programming course, it is recommended to stay in the old regulations (you are protected as long as you are studying within regular time limits).
If you have not passed the programming course when the regulations change, you must switch because the old course is not offered anymore then. The good news is, the extended course is a different module and comes with new attempts.

However, I also want to say that if you find the programming course very stressful and/or difficult, the Master program in Bioinformatics here may not be the right thing for you, and we made a mistake during admissions. Typically, the selection commitee is careful to check for existing programming experience. But this is only on a paper transcript and we cannot see actual skills. This programming course is (1) a refresher, (2) an opportunity to learn another language, and (3) a way to get some practical experience during the project(s). The exam mainly tests code understanding (because programming on paper is hard), which is a key professional skill and was practiced with the quizzes during the semester.

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