
Exam Registration (Deadline: Tuesday!, exam number 10085)

Written on 19.07.2024 13:29 by Sven Rahmann

Dear all,

it is time to register for the Python final exam on Tuesday 30.07.2024. The exam number is 10085.

The registration deadline ends one week before the exam date! (No exceptions. Really! No exceptions.)

This means, you can register or unregister in LSF until Tuesday 23.07.

Because the final project part 3 may not be completely graded by then (deadline was extended to Sunday), we recommend the following:

If you believe that you may qualify AND you want to take the exam, then please register now. In case that you fail the project, we will cancel your registration for you. You will not receive a fail grade if you do not qualify. Note that we cannot register you after the deadline; we can only cancel existing registrations.

And again, there is absolutely no way of registering late.


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