
Points project part 2

Written on 05.07.2024 08:31 by Johanna Schmitz

Dear all,

the points for the project part 2 are available and you can find the feedback as your submission for Project part 2 feedback.

The possible points are

  • 0 (part 2 failed)
  • 0.5 (minor mistakes, in most cases missing red crosses that should indicate which region was used to estimate the slope)
  • 1 (your slope estimate was correct for the 12 samples)

If you got 0.5 points you don't need to modify your code in, but the problem should be solved for part 3. In some submission the --show option did not work as expected, but since this does not effect part 3, it is not mandatory to fix this issue.

If you got 1 points, this means that your method worked on the provided samples. However, since the complete data is more complex and noisy, it might not work on all samples, in which case you also need to revisist your code.

Here are some more general remarks that are also important for part 3:

  • The slope estimation should be independent of the plotting part, in particular for computing the heatmap don't create/store all lineplots.
  • The estimate should be based on the lower part of the linear region, many of you used a sliding window approach to find the most linear region. This worked for the provided samples, but might not work on all samples, e.g., the sample given in the slides for part 3.

Regarding assignment 06, please use the most recent tests, since there was a mistake in the first version.

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