
Pre-Final Information

Written on 31.01.2023 13:15 by Sven Rahmann

So, today is the last day (till 23:59) to collect stars! A few important comments:

  • While AoC will allow you to continue to collect stars, we will download the state shortly after midnight and keep it "frozen". So even if you gain any additional stars, we will see how many stars you had at 00:01 on 01.02.2023 (Berlin time zone).
  • Again (and again), we will only attribute the stars to you if your README file is correctly formatted. You know this is the case if and only if you appear in the "Verified AoC repository list" in the materials section. If not, fix it TODAY, because tomorrow, it is too late. For your convenience, the exact format is repeated below. DO NOT CHANGE the format. Just enter your data. No extra characters.
  • Currently, all time slots for exams are taken. We will offer additional slots after we have collected the information about who got 35 stars, because then we know the exact number of exams. We will then also publish a preliminary schedule. This schedule will still see some modifications and additions!
  • On 01. or 02. of February, it is time to register for the exam on LSF. No credits without LSF registration! No exceptions! (Some of you cannot register on LSF: Erasmus students, some students from non-CS programs -- please inform us about this in individual emails. You will get a written confirmation letter of a successful exam to give to your examination office).
  • This year, probably for the last time, the exam is pass/fail only. You will pass if we are convinced that you are able to solve problems with Python. We will start with your AoC solutions and ask you about it. Then we will ask about Python constructions in general, including the current material (numpy, scipy, numba, plotting, etc.). No topic is excluded. Of course, you are not expected to know all optional arguments of each matplotlib function. But you should know the big picture.

Your file in your fork of the repository must start with these lines, including the lines with the three dashes, just replace the data with your information, and DO NOT CHANGE the spelling of the keys like name, mat, etc.

name: John Doe
mat: 00000000
aocname: BobTheBear
aocnumber: 0000000


Clearly, name refers to your full name (as a registered student), mat to your UdS matriculation number, aocname is the name shown in the AoC leaderboard, and as some of you use an anonymous name and to identify you uniquely, please also provide your AoC number. This number can be seen when you are logged into AoC and visit your setting page ( "anonymous user #0000000". Please provide that number without the #.

Again, if your correct matriculation number appears in the verified list in the Materials section, your information is parsed correctly. If not, FIX IT TODAY!


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