
Important Announcements: Exam, Next Courses

Written on 12.01.2023 01:15 by Sven Rahmann

Dear all, as several questions have come up, here are some announcements:

1. Exam requirements and dates

We will check your number of stars on 01 February at 6am in the morning. The official deadline is still 31 January, 23:59, but to give you some grace period, we will collect the list of stars first thing in the morning at 6am. 35 stars are required. We know that this is hard, but this is the point. If you haven't really started by now, it is probably too late.

To take part in the exam, you must

a) have 35 stars by the cutoff date, and these stars must show up on our list. Please check carefully if your matriculation number appears on the list! Do this now, and do it again.

b) reserve a time slot for the exam. You can do this as soon as we open the registration (separate announcement soon). The first round of exam dates will be February 08-10 and February 13-15. A second round will be offered shortly before the summer term starts.

c) register for the exam on the LSF / HISPOS system. This needs to be done until one week before the exam date. Instructions will follow.

You can register before January 31 for b) and c), but if you do not achieve 35 stars, these registrations are void. We ask you to register only if you are relatively confident that you have 35 stars by the cutoff date.

The exam will take place in person on campus in E2_1, room 1.14. Only in very exceptional circumstances, the exam can be done online (quarantine order, visa problems; proof must be provided).


2. FAQ

a) Q: 35 stars are too much and too difficult. Can the requirement be lowered? A: No.

b) Q: Can someone help me set up my gitlab repository? A: This was a thing in the first week of the semester. Now, all tutors are busy helping with the hard problems. If you did not set up your gitlab in week 1 or 2, it is probably too late.

c) Q: I have lost some of my code (my laptop broke, my dog ate the USB drive, ...). A: Your code should be in your gitlab repository, from week 1. Then it cannot be "lost". If you didn't use gitlab and do not have daily backups, you have a problem. For the exam, we automatically download your code for random days (for which you have stars) from your gitlab and study it to ask you questions about it. If the code is not there for any day where you have a star, we suspect that you have cheated, and you fail the exam.



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