
First Week Recap

Written on 28.10.2022 23:05 by Sven Rahmann

Dear all,

we hope that you have had a good first week on campus. We also hope you got a quick start with our Python course, i.e., got conda installed, were able to set up your git repository, clone it and push your first commits, and that you were able to run Python in the shell, and solved the first set of exercises.

Next week, the lecture would be on a holiday (Nov 1, All Saints Day). Because we need to cover a lot of basics before December starts, we unfortunately cannot skip the lecture. Instead, I will upload a pre-recorded lecture, so it won't be live on Tuesday morning. If you are awake after the Halloween party, you can already watch the video on Tuesday morning. Tutorials will take place as usual.

We noted that not everyone who was assigned to a tutorial was actually present. This creates the unfortunate situation that a large number of people who might want to come to a tutorial could not (because by counting, it was full), and there were some empty seats. So if you do not want your tutorial spot on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, let your tutor (Jens, Johanna, or Vu Lam) know! Conversely, if you do not have a tutorial assigned but would like one, please get in touch with the tutor of your preferred time slot (or tentatively come to the tutorial to see if there are empty seats). We will see what we can do.

What we plan for week 2 (this may change slightly, some topics may move to week 3, etc.):

- loops (for, while); conditional statements (if)

- basic types (list, tuple, range; str)

- sequence types

- function definitions

- Many short examples

For week 3 then, we plan to introduce all basic language elements that are still missing, so we can do two (easy) Advent of Code examples from previous years in detail; their code fill fit on a single slide.

Have a nice weekend!

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