
Exam Information

Written on 16.01.2024 15:15 by Pascal Hirsch

Dear students,
following some information about the exam.

The exam will be a written exam.
It will consist of theoretical questions and code snippets. 
For the theoretical part, everything in the slides (update: except Slides 12: C++ in scripting languages) is relevant, with the exception of GNU GPROF, GPERFTOOLS, VALGRIND, CALLGRIND, Intel TBB, OpenMP. 
These external tools are not relevant for the exam. 
The code snippets can be small coding tasks your have to write yourself or existing code which you have to explain and/or fix.

Please also remember to register in the LSF for the exam (deadline 13th February).
You are eligible for the exam if you got at least 150 points in the assignment sheets.

All the best,
Programming course team

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