
Midterm Exam Registration and Final Exam Registration for B.Sc. Business Computer Science

Written on 26.11.2024 16:40 by Robert Julius Pietsch

Please read this message carefully until the end! If you miss the exam registration, you cannot take the exams and thus will not be able to pass the course.

Dear students,

We have now opened the registration for the midterm exam, which takes place on Saturday, December 14, 2024. Please register on your personal status page until Friday, December 06 at 23:59.
Registration will be possible once you have reached the admission criterion (45 out of 90 points in the best six tests A–G). Note that in contrast to the final exams, you do not need to (and also cannot) register for the midterm exam in LSF or FlexNow2.
All technical difficulties with the registration in the CMS must be reported to us before the registration has closed.

Please note that you will need to pass the midterm exam (or the midterm retake on January 11, 2025) to get admitted to the final exam.

The midterm exam will take place on Saturday, December 14, at 09:00 in the morning and will take 90 minutes. Further information will be announced in due time.

If you are enrolled in the Business Computer Science programme (Wirtschaftsinformatik B.Sc.), the deadline for registering for the final exams is already this week on Friday, November 29, at 15:00 (see here). Please make sure to register in time in the FlexNow2 portal as you will otherwise not be able to take the final exams, even if you passed the midterm exam.

For study programmes using LSF, the registration will be open until one week before the respective exam takes place.

Kind regards,
Your Programming 1 team

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