Endterm Inspection Results and Retake Registration
Written on 27.02.2025 15:36 by Robert Julius Pietsch
Dear students,
This is to inform you that the grades resulting from the endterm exam have by now been entered into LSF. Grades for Wirtschaftsinformatik (business informatics) students have been reported to the respective examination office and will appear in FlexNow2 shortly.
Prior to this, all open issues that surfaced during exam inspection have been resolved; the results of this are reflected on your personal status page.
Additionally, it is now possible for you to register for the endterm retake on March 31, 2025.
- If your study program uses HISPOS/LSF, the registration takes place there. Registration and deregistration are possible until March 24, 23:59. Please note that you will need iTANs to register there. We import registrations from HISPOS/LSF to the CMS on a regular basis. You can check your current registration status on your personal status page. If your registration is not transferred within the next three workdays, contact us immediately but no later than March 24, 23:59. However, please note that it may take some time until your registration is displayed on your personal status page.
- If you study Wirtschaftsinformatik (business informatics), you should already be registered. We have imported the registrations from ViPa/FlexNow2. Your registration status is displayed on your personal status page. Please verify its correctness. If your registration has not been transferred, contact us immediately but no later than March 24, 23:59.
- If your study program uses neither HISPOS/LSF nor ViPa/FlexNow2, we do not have any information about your registration deadlines. You must take care of this yourself. Additionally, you have to register separately in the CMS on your personal status page. Registration and deregistration are possible until March 24, 23:59.
If you have any questions or issues with the exam registration, please contact us before the registration deadline.
Kind regards,
Your Programming 1 team