
Title Type Location Serial Start End All Day
Office Hour Office Hour 0.08 in E2 4, Discord 20 21.01.22 21.01.22 No 
Test Test online or E2 2 (Günther Hotz Lecture Hall) 21 03.02.22 03.02.22 No 
Test Test online or E2 2 (Günther Hotz Lecture Hall) 21 20.01.22 20.01.22 No 
Test Test online or E2 2 (Günther Hotz Lecture Hall) 21 13.01.22 13.01.22 No 
Test Test online or E2 2 (Günther Hotz Lecture Hall) 21 27.01.22 27.01.22 No 
Test Test online or E2 2 (Günther Hotz Lecture Hall) 21 10.02.22 10.02.22 No 
Endterm Exam 26.02.22 26.02.22 No 
Office Hour Office Hour SR014 in E1 3, 0.08 in E2 4, and online 22.10.21 22.10.21 No 
Office Hour Office Hour SR014 and SR015 in E1 3 20.10.21 20.10.21 No 
Late Endterm Exam 26.03.22 26.03.22 No 
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