
Title Type Location Serial Start End All Day
Lecture: Towards Trust in Neural Action Policies Lecture 26.01.22 26.01.22 No 
Lecture: Comparing Heuristic Functions; Decoupled State Space Search Lecture 18.01.22 18.01.22 No 
Tutorial 4 Tutorial 2 19.01.22 19.01.22 No 
Deadline: Competition (prelim.) Projects 03.02.22 N/A Yes 
Lecture: Planning Systems and the IPC Lecture 01.02.22 01.02.22 No 
Exam Exam 16.02.22 16.02.22 No 
Office Hour Projects 29.11.21 29.11.21 No 
Office Hour Projects 13.12.21 13.12.21 No 
Office Hour Projects 17.01.22 17.01.22 No 
Office Hour Projects 24.01.22 24.01.22 No 
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