

Written on 25.01.2021 14:30 by Joerg Hoffmann

Dear students,

this is to update you regarding this question, which you are certainly wondering about.

As of now, the official university regulation is that exams will take place as planned (under Corona hygiene and distancing rules of course; you will receive details regarding those later).

The alternative would be to postpone the 1st exam. This is not possible however within the upcoming term break, as March/April is already booked for all the 2nd exams. So one of the two exams would have to be in fall. This would cause serious issues both for the faculty (finding space and time within the summer term break) and the students (having to re-prepare for a course taken 6 months ago).

So we will proceed as planned.

If you cannot attend the 1st exam for good reasons (abroad and unable to travel/quarantined/acute symptoms) then we will offer you an oral exam. In this case, please write an email to Rebecca Eifler

best regards, and good luck with the upcoming exams under these unfortunate circumstances,

Jörg Hoffmann


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