
Pointer to the Second Project Milestone

Written on 19.05.2024 20:35 by Yiming Lei

The second project milestone was released on Friday, as we announced during the last lecture. The milestone is available in the project's public repository and has been pushed to your repositories.
For those who do not see it, you can access it under src/userprog ( In addition, links to individual milestones are at the main README (
The deadline for the second project milestone is June 4th at 23:59. You can find this date in the timetable on CMS where all course events are listed.

Please ensure that you register your team for the second milestone on CMS, even if you are continuing with the same group as for the first milestone. After registering your new team on CMS, you will get a new repo (p2-teamXX).

Good luck with your project!

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