
Exam Inspection

Written on 26.03.25 by Dietrich Klakow

will be Tuesday April 22 16:00-18:00 in U15 in C71 . To open tickets in case of grading mistakes, mail to .

Lecture Hall/Cover sheet

Written on 09.02.25 by Dietrich Klakow



the NNIA exam will be in the large math lecture hall.

Please make sure you are there at 13:40 latest. Make sure your phone is switched off when entering the lecture hall. All you need is a pen/ball pen and your student Id. Put everything else to the front or the side of the lecture… Read more



the NNIA exam will be in the large math lecture hall.

Please make sure you are there at 13:40 latest. Make sure your phone is switched off when entering the lecture hall. All you need is a pen/ball pen and your student Id. Put everything else to the front or the side of the lecture hall. The tutors will tell you which seat to use.

The cover sheet is in the materials section.


Good luck!

Assignment 10

Written on 15.01.25 by Sophia Wiedmann

Hello everyone,

Assignment 10 is now released and will be the last assignment of this semester. It is due in 2 weeks (29 Jan). As a reminder, you need to achieve at least 60% of assignment points in order to qualify for the exam. 


your NNIA tutors


Review questions and exercises

Written on 29.12.24 by Andreas Rouvalis

Hi everyone,

We have uploaded a document containing questions and exercises based on the material taught so far. Please use these as a resource to assess your understanding and feel free to bring any questions to the tutorials for discussion.

Good luck and enjoy your holidays,
Your NNIA tutors

Upcoming Tutorials/Winter Break/etc.

Written on 13.12.24 by Sophia Wiedmann

Hi everyone,

Here is the schedule for the next few weeks:

Thurs. Dec 17: NO Lecture

Wed. Dec 18: NO tutorial with Sophia

Fri. Dec 20: Tutorial with Andreas ONLINE, discussing A7 and regularization:

Winter break - no lectures or tutorials:… Read more

Hi everyone,

Here is the schedule for the next few weeks:

Thurs. Dec 17: NO Lecture

Wed. Dec 18: NO tutorial with Sophia

Fri. Dec 20: Tutorial with Andreas ONLINE, discussing A7 and regularization:

Winter break - no lectures or tutorials: Dec 21 - Jan 6

Students are also encouraged to send questions about the material during the break so that during the first tutorial of the year we can discuss questions and solve exercises that help with your questions

From Tuesday Jan 7: back to normal lecture/tutorial plan.

Wed January 8: A8 is due.

Previous Exams

Finally, the NNIA exam from last year has been uploaded in the Materials section. You can check it out and we can review any concerns/questions in the tutorials after the break. 


Good luck and enjoy your holidays,

Your NNIA tutors

Assignment 2 Released and Tutorials

Written on 30.10.24 by Sophia Wiedmann


Assignment 2 was just released. It is due next Wed 06 Nov at 23:59. We will release a new assignment every Wednesday. Please submit in pairs. iI you have not found a partner please do this by Friday or contact the tutors if you can not find one.

Tutorials begin next week. The assignment… Read more


Assignment 2 was just released. It is due next Wed 06 Nov at 23:59. We will release a new assignment every Wednesday. Please submit in pairs. iI you have not found a partner please do this by Friday or contact the tutors if you can not find one.

Tutorials begin next week. The assignment is now released on CMS. Please only attend your assigned tutorial because of limited space. Tutorials will mainly be for reviewing the solutions of the previous week's assignment sheet and addressing any concerns with the lecture material.

Exam Qualification and Bonus Points: 

You need at least 60% of assignment points in order to qualify for the exam. There will be around 13 total assignments each worth 10 points. Bonus points can be achieved in two ways. (a) completing bonus questions in the assignments (b) presenting your solutions in the tutorial/other noteworthy participation. The bonus points will only count toward the exam qualification threshold. It will not affect your exam grade.

- Your NNIA Tutors Sophia and Andreas

Assignment 1 Released

Written on 23.10.24 by Sophia Wiedmann

Hi everyone,

Welcome to NNIA. Assignment 1 is now published. It is due on 30 October at 23:59. Assignments should be submitted in groups of two. We may allow a group of 3 depending on the final number of enrolled students. You can create/join teams on the Personal Status tab in CMS until 30… Read more

Hi everyone,

Welcome to NNIA. Assignment 1 is now published. It is due on 30 October at 23:59. Assignments should be submitted in groups of two. We may allow a group of 3 depending on the final number of enrolled students. You can create/join teams on the Personal Status tab in CMS until 30 October. You can post on the CMS forum if you need a partner. For the first assignment, if you are unable to find a partner you can submit it alone. From the second assignment, please only submit in pairs. 

We will typically release an assignment every week until the exam (with a break during the winter holiday).

Exam qualification criteria and/or bonus points are still being discussed. We will provide more information next week.

Any content related questions (lectures, assignments) should be directed to the CMS Forum. Please refer to/ask questions on the forum before contacting the tutors privately for private/personal matters.


Tutorials will be held starting the week of 04.11.

There are two NNIA tutorials:

Wednesday at 10:15 in E1.3 Room 014

Friday at 12:15 in E1.1 Room 106

Please submit your tutorial preferences on CMS by the end of the week. We will release the tutorial assignments next week.


- Your NNIA Tutors (Sophia and Andreas)





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Neural Networks: Implementation and Application (CoLI/LST students only!!!!)

This is the version for CoLis (bachelor and master) only. No other students permitted.

Starts: Tuesday, 22.10.24

Location: large lecture hall mathematics, HS1 in E25

Exam: Tuesday, February 11th 14:00-16:00

Tutorials: tbs

There will be two tutorials groups. Details to follow here on CMS.


  1. Linear Algebra and Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
  2. Numerical Computation
  3. Machine Learning Basics
  4. Deep Feedforward Neural Networks
  5. Regularization for Deep Learning
  6. Optimization for Deep Learning
  7. Convolutional Neural Networks
  8. Sequence Modelling: Recurrent and Recursive Neural Networks
  9. Transformers
  10. GNNs

Text Books:

Neural Networks and Deep Learning by Charu C. Aggarwal

Deep Learning by Aaron Courville, Ian Goodfellow, Joshua Bengio

Geometry of Deep Learning, Jong Chul Ye

Deep Learning Architectures: A Mathematical Approach, Ovidiu Calin

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