
Talks on Quantum Information

Written on 06.03.24 by Nicolas Faross

Next week, there will be four short talks on quantum information, in lecture hall HS IV, E2 4, in English, each starting at 10:00, each talk 30 min., each followed by a 30 min. survey on Grover’s algorithm, the latter possibly in German. Everyone who is interested is welcome.

Next week, there will be four short talks on quantum information, in lecture hall HS IV, E2 4, in English, each starting at 10:00, each talk 30 min., each followed by a 30 min. survey on Grover’s algorithm, the latter possibly in German. Everyone who is interested is welcome.

  • Mon, 11 March, Martin Plavala, U Siegen, tba.
  • Tue, 12 March, Felix Huber, U Bordeaux, Quantum correlations, quantum error correction, and mathematical optimization.
  • Wed, 13 March, Zahra Khanian, TU München, Quantum data compression.
  • Thu, 14 March, Nikolai Wyderka, HHU Düsseldorf, Using randomized measurements to learn (about) local invariants.

Workshop at the Research Center in Juelich

Written on 05.03.24 by Nicolas Faross

Who wants to touch a real qubit? Well, maybe that’s asking too much, but if you are interested in seeing true quantum computing equipment, you may register for the following workshop at the Research Center in Juelich, Platforms for Quantum Technologies, 18-22 March, see here: Read more

Who wants to touch a real qubit? Well, maybe that’s asking too much, but if you are interested in seeing true quantum computing equipment, you may register for the following workshop at the Research Center in Juelich, Platforms for Quantum Technologies, 18-22 March, see here: The deadline has passed already, but we have been informed by the organizers today that there are a few free spots which we may fill with interested students from Saarbrücken who successfully participated in the quantum info lecture. If you are interested, please send an email to Prof. Weber, also stating whether or not you will need financial support for the travel to Juelich. Note that it may also be possible to write a joint BSc/MSc thesis with Juelich.

Last Lecture

Written on 30.01.24 by Nicolas Faross

The last lecture will be on Thursday, 01.02.2024. You can use this lecture to ask any remaining questions you have.


Written on 30.01.24 by Nicolas Faross

You can find two links under "Materials" to evaluate the lecture and the tutorial until 06.02.2024 (if you missed the evaluation in person during the lecture).

Exam Registration

Written on 25.01.24 by Nicolas Faross

To register for the exam, write an E-mail to including your name, matriculation number and subject of study.

Everyone who took part in the lecture until the end will be admitted to the exam.

Tutorial Dates

Written on 25.01.24 by Nicolas Faross

The last tutorial on a Friday will be at 02.02.2024 and the last tutorial on a Monday will be at 05.02.2024.

We will use the tutorial on Monday, 29.01.2024, to discuss Exercise Sheet 10 and the tutorial on Monday, 05.02.2024, to discuss Exercise Sheet 11.

Exam Type and Date

Written on 12.01.24 by Nicolas Faross

There will be oral exams at the end of the semester. Each exam will take 20–30 minutes and should be located in one of the following time slots:

  • February 7th and 8th
  • April 10th and 11th

We will answer any questions about the exams at the start of the lecture on Monday, 15.01.24. If you… Read more

There will be oral exams at the end of the semester. Each exam will take 20–30 minutes and should be located in one of the following time slots:

  • February 7th and 8th
  • April 10th and 11th

We will answer any questions about the exams at the start of the lecture on Monday, 15.01.24. If you have further questions, feel free to ask us per email.

Exhibition: Women & Mathematics

Written on 31.10.23 by Nicolas Faross

Here is an announcement of our exhibition „Women & Mathematics“ displaying role models for women in mathematics with pictures showing math in an unusual and artistic way. The exhibition opens on Friday, this week, at 16:00 in the Günter-Hotz lecture hall. There will be a talk (in German) by an… Read more

Here is an announcement of our exhibition „Women & Mathematics“ displaying role models for women in mathematics with pictures showing math in an unusual and artistic way. The exhibition opens on Friday, this week, at 16:00 in the Günter-Hotz lecture hall. There will be a talk (in German) by an external expert on career paths of women in mathematics, and there will be drinks and snacks afterwards. The exhibition will then be displayed for 2 weeks in the foyer of the Günter-Hotz lecture hall.

Everyone is welcome to join for the opening event on Friday, 3 Nov, 16:00!



AUSSTELLUNG: Women & Mathematics


Vernissage zur Doppelausstellung Women & Mathematics - Women of Mathematics feat. Visionary – mit den Augen der Mathematik

Am 03. November eröffnen der Sonderforschungsbereich SFB-TRR 195, die Fachrichtung Mathematik und das Gleichstellungsbüro der Universität des Saarlandes die Doppelausstellung Women & Mathematics - Women of Mathematics feat. Visionary – mit den Augen der Mathematik. Die Ausstellung gibt ihren Besucher*innen die Möglichkeit, in die Welt der Mathematik einzutauchen und diese aus ungewohnten Blickwinkeln zu erleben.

Ein Teil der Ausstellung präsentiert 19 inspirierende Porträts von Mathematikerinnen, die im SFB-TRR 195 an den Universitäten Aachen, Kaiserslautern, Saarbrücken und weiteren Standorten lehren und forschen. Interviewauszüge der hoch qualifizierten Wissenschaftlerinnen bieten Einblicke in deren Forschung, Werdegang und Motivation und ermutigen junge Frauen, an die eigenen Fähigkeiten zu glauben.

Der zweite Teil der Ausstellung zeigt mit Exponaten der Non-profit-Organisation IMAGINARY (designed vom Mathematischen Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach) die visuelle und ästhetische Komponente der Mathematik. Alle Interessierten sind herzlich eingeladen, mit den Exponaten zu interagieren und mithilfe spezieller Software ihre eigenen mathematischen Kunstwerke zu kreieren. Mitarbeitende sind während den Öffnungszeiten der Ausstellung ansprechbar und können hilfreiche Einblicke in das theoretische Hintergrundwissen geben.

Freitag, 03.11.2023, 16 Uhr, Günter-Hotz-Hörsaal (Campus Saarbrücken, Geb. E 2.2)

Prof. Dr. Moritz Weber, Professor in der Mathematik, UdS Annemarie Matusche-Beckmann, Vizepräsidentin für Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung und Nachhaltigkeit an der UdS
Lisa Bindemann, Gleichstellungsbüro der UdS

Keynote: Nicola Oswald, Geschäftsführerin des WueLAB Nachhaltigkeitslabor, Universität Würzburg, "Mathematikerinnen - von Erfolgsgeschichten, sozialen Einflussfaktoren und neuen Daten"

Im Anschluss gemeinsamer Umtrunk


Öffnungszeiten Ausstellung Foyer Günter-Hotz-Hörsaal (Campus Saarbrücken, Geb. E 2.2):
06.11. – 17.11. (Mo-Fr.), 12-16 Uhr
Öffnungszeiten Ausstellung Galerie Nauwieser Neunzehn (Nauwieser Str. 19, 66111 Saarbrücken):
20.11.-26.11., 16-20 Uhr


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