

Written on 14.07.24 (last change on 17.07.24) by Frederik Herzberg

As dicussed recently in the lecture, the (oral) exams will take place in October.

The dates can be arranged individually by e-mail in September.

Mathematical Statistics

Prof. Dr. Frederik Herzberg

This lecture course introduces the mathematical theory of statistical models and methods, in particular point estimation, confidence regions, hypothesis testing and regression analysis. Topics include:

  • Statistical models
  • Selection and validation of statistical models
  • Sufficient statistics
  • Point estimators
  • Confidence regions
  • Hypothesis tests
  • Linear regression models



  • Mondays, 10:15am-11:45pm, Seminarraum 6 (building E2 4)
  • Wednesdays, 10:15am-11:45pm, Seminarraum 6 (building E2 4)
  • Start date: 17 April 



  • New date for the tutorial: Tuesdays, 10:15-11:45am, Seminarraum 2 (building E2 5)

Regular, active participation in both the lectures and the tutorials is expected. 



The course (lectures and tutorials) will be taught in English unless all participants agree on German.


Recommended Prerequisites

  • Stochastik I
  • Stochastics II 

This lecture course is intended for students of the following degree programmes:

  • Mathematics,
  • Mathematics & Computer Science,
  • Actuarial & Financial Mathematics.



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