
Title Type Location Serial Start End All Day
Introduction to Interactive Systems Lecture HS002 (E1 3) 13.04.23 13.04.23 No 
Register for Course & Tutorial in CMS Exam / Deadline 15.04.23 15.04.23 No 
Microcontroller and Basic Electronics Lecture HS002 (E1 3) 20.04.23 20.04.23 No 
Office Hour (Jannik) Office Hour SR 014 E1 3 27.04.23 27.04.23 No 
Context Aware Computing Lecture HS002 (E1 3) 27.04.23 27.04.23 No 
Milestone 1 Deadline Exam / Deadline 30.04.23 30.04.23 No 
Exercise Sheet 1 Deadline Exercise Sheets 04.05.23 04.05.23 No 
Office Hour (Rachita) Office Hour SR 014 E1 3 04.05.23 04.05.23 No 
Wearable Computing Lecture HS002 (E1 3) 04.05.23 04.05.23 No 
Office Hour (Tobias) Office Hour SR 014 E1 3 11.05.23 11.05.23 No 
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