
Searching for Group Members?

Written on 22.04.24 by Pascal Peter

If you are still searching for group members, feel free to use MS Teams to find them on your own, ask around in the first tutorial session, or use the group roulette form here to enter the random assignment pool: until Sunday, 28.4., 23:45.

Written on 18.04.24 by Pascal Peter

Registration is open again. We have a sufficient amount of open slots once more for the time being.

Please deregister if you are not taking the course!

Written on 17.04.24 by Pascal Peter

We have reached full capacity for the lecture. If you have decided not to take the course, please deregister. Alternatively, write a message to Pascal Peter if you do not plan to take the exams, but want to keep access to the lecture materials. This will allow us to free up space for other interested students.

Teams and Video Access

Written on 17.04.24 by Pascal Peter

A little reminder: If you want to participate online in the hybrid meeting or want to watch the lecture videos, you need to join Teams first. To find out how, check out the Guided Tour after CMS registration.

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