
Final Grades

Written on 21.03.25 by Joschka Groß

Dear students,

we just published the grades for your talks and talktorials as well as the resulting final talks. You can view them on your personal status page in the CMS.

Best regards,
The HOGNN team

Slides for tomorrow & communication

Written on 02.02.25 by Joschka Groß

Dear students,

due to issues with the SIC (mail) authentication servers I would kindly ask you to also submit your slides to the CMS via your personal status page.

Furthermore, if you need to contact me before or on Monday, please send a mail to my alternative work mail address.

Sorry for… Read more

Dear students,

due to issues with the SIC (mail) authentication servers I would kindly ask you to also submit your slides to the CMS via your personal status page.

Furthermore, if you need to contact me before or on Monday, please send a mail to my alternative work mail address.

Sorry for reaching out on short notice on a Sunday and the inconvenience.

Have great remaining weekend and see you tomorrow,

Final talks on Monday

Written on 30.01.25 (last change on 30.01.25) by Joschka Groß

Dear students,

the final talks will take place in seminar room 008 in building E1.7.

We will start at 9:00 sharp with some opening remarks, please be there on time! In total there will be 8 talks across two sessions from 9:00-11:30 and 12:15-14:30. The CMS hosts a more detailed schedule.

You… Read more

Dear students,

the final talks will take place in seminar room 008 in building E1.7.

We will start at 9:00 sharp with some opening remarks, please be there on time! In total there will be 8 talks across two sessions from 9:00-11:30 and 12:15-14:30. The CMS hosts a more detailed schedule.

You may use your own laptop for your presentation provided it can connect to HDMI. Nevertheless we would kindly ask you to send your final slides in a mail to Joschka Groß as a .pptx, .pdf or publicy accessible google slides link until February 3rd as a backup and for reference purposes.

As a reminder: your talks should be between 15 and 20 minutes since we plan to reserve up to 10 minutes for questions.

Best regards & looking forward to seeing you on Monday,
The HOGNN team.




Final talks date

Written on 22.01.25 by Joschka Groß

Dear students,

we decided to schedule the final talks for February 3, 9:00 - 11:30 and 12:15 - 14:30. More information will follow.

If you absolutely can not participate at one of these time slots please contact us as soon as possible.

The HOGNN team

Scheduling the final talks

Written on 13.01.25 by Joschka Groß

Dear students,

we would like to schedule the final talks either for February 3 as announced in the kickoff meeting, or (due to some known potential conflicts) for February 6.

We will have eight talks in total which will be distributed across two sessions covering four talks each. Ideally, but… Read more

Dear students,

we would like to schedule the final talks either for February 3 as announced in the kickoff meeting, or (due to some known potential conflicts) for February 6.

We will have eight talks in total which will be distributed across two sessions covering four talks each. Ideally, but not necessarily, these block sessions will take place on the same day. Please enter your availabilities for the suggested session slots in this poll.

More details regarding the assignment of topics to exact time slots and the room will be announced once the session times and dates are confirmed.

Best regards,
The HOGNN team.


Talktorial reviews

Written on 16.12.24 by Joschka Groß

Dear students,

we will soon send out the review assignment by mail. Please base your reviews on the template we uploaded to the materials section, consider the general advice it provides and submit your final reviews to the CMS.

The reviews are due on December 23, 23:59. Furthermore please… Read more

Dear students,

we will soon send out the review assignment by mail. Please base your reviews on the template we uploaded to the materials section, consider the general advice it provides and submit your final reviews to the CMS.

The reviews are due on December 23, 23:59. Furthermore please indicate on your personal status page in the CMS, if you consent that we share your mail address with the person who was assigned to review your topic.

Best regards,
The HOGNN team.

First submission talktorials

Written on 13.12.24 by Joschka Groß

Dear students,

Please remember to submit the version of your talktorials to be reviewed by the end of this week (December 15, 23:59) to the CMS via the submission on your personal status page.

Ideally your notebook is already self-contained such that you can submit a single .ipynb file. If you… Read more

Dear students,

Please remember to submit the version of your talktorials to be reviewed by the end of this week (December 15, 23:59) to the CMS via the submission on your personal status page.

Ideally your notebook is already self-contained such that you can submit a single .ipynb file. If you think that your notebook is not yet self-contained, i.e. if it still requires additional files to be present when run, you may submit a ZIP archive that contains your notebook and these additional files. If you choose the latter option please make sure that the paths of the required files relative to your notebook are correct.

Best regards,
The HOGNN team.

Office Hours

Written on 25.11.24 by Joschka Groß

Dear Students,

To assist you with the preparation of your notebooks, we will be holding two office hours before the first deadline on December 16. Attendance is optional; these sessions are intended to provide you with an opportunity to seek help with implementation or coding-related issues.

The… Read more

Dear Students,

To assist you with the preparation of your notebooks, we will be holding two office hours before the first deadline on December 16. Attendance is optional; these sessions are intended to provide you with an opportunity to seek help with implementation or coding-related issues.

The office hours will take place at DFKI, in room Bledsoe, on the following dates:

  • November 28, from 14:00 to 16:00
  • December 10, from 15:00 to 17:00

Locating room Bledsoe: From the main lobby (floor -2), take the elevator or stairs up to floor +2. Turn left and walk to the end of the hallway. The entrance will be on the left side and is labeled with the room's name.

Best regards,
The HOGNN Team

Reminder LSF registration

Written on 19.11.24 by Joschka Groß

Dear students,

this is a friendly reminder that the deadline for registration in the LSF is today.

if you are not yet registered for the seminar in the LSF, please do so today.

Best regards,
The HOGNN seminar team.

Concept meeting reminder & template notebook

Written on 09.11.24 by Joschka Groß

Dear students,

please be reminded that you should meet with your supervisor, ideally between November 11th and 22nd, to discuss your notebook concept and any open questions. In order to schedule this meeting contact your supervisor via mail. If you are unsure by whom you're supervised, please check… Read more

Dear students,

please be reminded that you should meet with your supervisor, ideally between November 11th and 22nd, to discuss your notebook concept and any open questions. In order to schedule this meeting contact your supervisor via mail. If you are unsure by whom you're supervised, please check the topics page.

If you already have questions regarding your topic or organizational matters now, feel free to send them to your supervisor ahead of time, so we can prepare them for the concept meeting if necessary.

Furthermore, note that we uploaded a template notebook to clear up potential questions regarding some formalities and the structuring of your ipynb files in the materials section. This notebook contains content that can be helpful to get started with GNNs in PyTorch / PyTorch Geometric. The content was also chosen to provide illustrative examples that make explaining the formalities easier. The level of detail in this template notebook is not necessarily indicative for the level of detail that should be present in your notebooks.

If you have any questions or objections regarding the formalities introduced in the template notebook, contact us via mail an we'll be happy to discuss them with you!

Kind regards,
The HOGNN seminar team.

Topic Assignment & LSF registration

Written on 29.10.24 by Joschka Groß

Dear students,

you now can find your assigned topic on your personal status page. Your topic's supervisor can be viewed on the topics page.

PSA: the deadline for registering in the LSF is November 19.


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Hands-on Graph Neural Networks

Graphs have long proven to be a powerful data representation across a wide range of applications. Prominent examples include social and transportation networks, as well as small molecules and proteins. Recently, graph neural networks (GNNs) have emerged as a powerful tool for extending the success of deep learning to the graph domain.

In this seminar we aim to cover both the foundations of GNNs as well as more advanced topics such as their limitations and expressiveness, relation to transformers, extensions to geometric graphs, graph generative models and some applications in molecular machine learning.

During the seminar, participants will create talktorials, i.e., self-contained IPython notebooks that explain (teach) a select topic both from a theoretic point of view and in terms of a practical demonstration part. The mandatory part of the seminar will conclude with final talks where participants present their topics to fellow students. Please consult the Seminar Format page for more details.



Please use the SIC seminar assignment system to apply for the seminar. If you are a Bioinformatics student, you can also apply via mail.

If you are accpeted and registered for the seminar please do not forget to also register for the seminar in the LSF in time!



The kickoff meeting will take place on Thursday, October 24 from 2pm sharp to 3pm in DFKI room "Reuse" (big conference room on the ground floor opposite of the reception desk).



The list of topics is preliminary and should not be considered final until October 24.


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