
GPUs usage instructions are uploaded.

Written on 15.06.20 by Sahar Abdelnabi

The slides for today's tutorial have been uploaded with the updated usage instructions. 

High Level Computer Vision


This course will cover essential techniques for high-level computer vision. These techniques facilitate semantic interpretation of visual data, as it is required for a broad range of applications like robotics, driver assistance, multi-media retrieval, surveillance etc. In this area, the recognition and detection of objects, activities and visual categories have seen dramatic progress over the last decade. We will discuss the methods that have lead to state-of-the-art performance in this area and provide the opportunity to gather hands-on experience with these techniques.

Course Information

Semester:  SS

Year:  2020

Lecture start: Wednesday May 6

Tutorial start:  Monday May 11


Time and Location:

lecture: Wednesdays 10:00 - 12:00 (start at 10:15Will be held over zoom

tutorial: Mondays 10:00 - 12:00 Will be held over bbb

Lecturer(s):   Prof. Dr. Bernt Schiele and Prof. Dr. Mario Fritz

TA(s):              Rakshith Shetty 

                        Sahar Abdelnabi



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