Title | Type | Location | Serial | Start | End | All Day | |
Lecture | Lecture | Building E1 3 – Lecture Hall II | 3 | 13.11.24 | 13.11.24 | No | |
Lecture | Lecture | Building E1 3 – Lecture Hall II | 2 | 05.11.24 | 05.11.24 | No | |
Lecture | Lecture | Building E1 3 – Lecture Hall II | 3 | 06.11.24 | 06.11.24 | No | |
Lecture | Lecture | Building E1 3 – Lecture Hall II | 2 | 29.10.24 | 29.10.24 | No | |
⚠️ End of Tutorial & Group Registration | End of Registration | Doodle | 28.10.24 | 28.10.24 | No |