
Reminder: Exam Inspection

Written on 26.02.25 by Marie Mühlhaus

Dear students,

This is a friendly reminder that the exam inspection will take place tomorrow (Feb 27). Here is a summary of the most important information to ensure a smooth process:
- The inspection will take place from 9.40-12.20 in room 407, E1.1 and from 2-5pm in room 001, E1 7
- Bring… Read more

Dear students,

This is a friendly reminder that the exam inspection will take place tomorrow (Feb 27). Here is a summary of the most important information to ensure a smooth process:
- The inspection will take place from 9.40-12.20 in room 407, E1.1 and from 2-5pm in room 001, E1 7
- Bring your student ID to the inspection. We will have to check it when you enter the room.
- Only students who have registered for an inspection slot via CMS can inspect the exam. Make sure you arrive on time as you are expected to have finished your inspection at the end of your chosen time slot.

See you tomorrow,


Exam Results and Exam Inspection

Written on 20.02.25 (last change on 25.02.25) by Marie Mühlhaus

Dear students,

the results of the main exam are now available on your personal status page. On the status page, you can also find the corresponding gradescale. If you have obtained 46.5 points or more, you have passed the exam. Overall, 62% of participating students passed the exam, the highest… Read more

Dear students,

the results of the main exam are now available on your personal status page. On the status page, you can also find the corresponding gradescale. If you have obtained 46.5 points or more, you have passed the exam. Overall, 62% of participating students passed the exam, the highest score achieved was 77, and the median 50.5 points (excluding bonus points).

Your final grade including bonus points is now also available on your personal status page. Please note that the bonus points are only applied if you have passed the exam.


On Thursday (February 27) you will have the opportunity to inspect your main exam. The inspection will take place from 9.40-12.20 in room 407, E1.1 and 2-5pm in room 001, E1 7. Here is the most important information on the organization:

  • There will be 20 minute slots for which you can now register in the CMS on your personal status page.
  • The deadline for registration is Tuesday, February 25, 23:59, and registration is a mandatory requirement for inspecting your exam.
  • You are only allowed to register for one slot.
  • You are expected to have finished your inspection at the end of the time slot selected.
  • You must bring your student ID to the inspection.
  • You will not be allowed to take pictures or notes during the inspection, and there will be no time for explanations on the subject matter.

Grades will be imported into HISPOS and WIPA after the exam inspection. For those who manually registered, we will prepare a certificate (“Schein”).


Best regards,


PS: If you want to participate in the design competition, don’t forget to send us an email with the required information by February 21st, 23:59!

Final Exam Information and Seat Assignment

Written on 10.02.25 by Marie Mühlhaus

Dear students,

on Wednesday this week (12 Feb 2025) the first exam will take place. Here is some important information:

  • The exam starts at 10:00 (sharp!). Please be at the lecture hall at least 15 minutes before.
  • You will have 90 minutes for the exam. 
  • Bring a permanent pen (pencils are… Read more

Dear students,

on Wednesday this week (12 Feb 2025) the first exam will take place. Here is some important information:

  • The exam starts at 10:00 (sharp!). Please be at the lecture hall at least 15 minutes before.
  • You will have 90 minutes for the exam. 
  • Bring a permanent pen (pencils are not permanent!).
  • Also, make sure to bring your student ID card. We will have to check it when you enter the lecture hall.
  • Except for a dictionary, no additional material is allowed.
  • Throughout the exam, any electronic devices will have to stay turned off in your bags at the sides of the lecture hall.
  • Only students who have registered for the exam (via LSF, WIPA or manually by email) AND who have been admitted to the exam (i.e. scored >= 50% in the project assignments and participated in the final presentation) are allowed to take the exam.

We have also just assigned lecture halls to eligible students. You can find your assigned lecture hall on your personal status page under the tab “Exam Seats”>“Seat for Main Exam (Feb 12)”.  Please disregard the row and seat information as there is no fixed seating order. If you notice any problems, please let me know as soon as possible.


Best of luck for your exams,


Deadline Extension for Uploading Presentation Slides

Written on 06.02.25 by Marie Mühlhaus

Dear students,

As the CMS system was down yesterday, some of you were unable to submit your slides before the deadline. We have therefore extended the deadline to today (6 February, 23:59). If you did not email your slides to me or your tutor yesterday evening or have already uploaded them to CMS, Read more

Dear students,

As the CMS system was down yesterday, some of you were unable to submit your slides before the deadline. We have therefore extended the deadline to today (6 February, 23:59). If you did not email your slides to me or your tutor yesterday evening or have already uploaded them to CMS, please upload your slides to the CMS by the extended deadline. [If you emailed your slides to us yesterday, you can upload them to the CMS, but you don't have to.]

As it was asked in the forum: The scheduled in-person presentations are not affected by this.



Design Competition - Participation Guidelines

Written on 03.02.25 by Marie Mühlhaus

Dear students,

To participate in the design competition, please send an email to hci (at) with the subject line: [DESIGN COMPETITION] <Your Group Number>

Your submission must be sent by February 21st, 23:59, and should include the following:

  1. Group Information: This… Read more

Dear students,

To participate in the design competition, please send an email to hci (at) with the subject line: [DESIGN COMPETITION] <Your Group Number>

Your submission must be sent by February 21st, 23:59, and should include the following:

  1. Group Information: This includes the group number and the full names of all participating group members.
  2. Prototype Introduction (PDF – max. 1 page): Introduce your prototype, its core features in supporting students with their exam preparation, and highlight what sets it apart from existing platforms (e.g., Anki). You can think of the document as a sales pitch. Please note that the document should be written clearly and concisely, and that it must not exceed one page. You may reuse text from your project assignments if you like.
  3. Prototype Submission: Provide a link to your web-based prototype (e.g., Figma, ...). Alternatively, attach a .zip file containing all necessary HTML files. If submitting a .zip file, include a README.txt with relevant usage instructions.

After the submission deadline, a jury will review all submissions based on creativity, originality, rigor, and relevance & fit with the client’s needs. The finalist(s) will be invited to a personal meeting with the client to present and discuss their ideas. The time of the meeting will be arranged on an individual basis. As part of the competition, the finalist(s) will further receive detailed feedback and a certificate acknowledging their success in the UI design competition.

We are excited to see your amazing prototypes!

Best of luck,

PS: Please note that this is independent of your course grade and participation is fully voluntary.

Upcoming Events

Written on 22.01.25 by Marie Mühlhaus

Dear students,

As you might know, today was the last lecture of the HCI course. There will be no lectures next week such that you have enough time to work on the last project assignment.

We also cordially invite you to our Open Lab Day on Tuesday, 4th February (10:15–11:45 am). This event will… Read more

Dear students,

As you might know, today was the last lecture of the HCI course. There will be no lectures next week such that you have enough time to work on the last project assignment.

We also cordially invite you to our Open Lab Day on Tuesday, 4th February (10:15–11:45 am). This event will take place in the HCI Lab (building E1.7, 2nd floor) and offers a chance to explore the lab, its facilities, and see some of our latest research in HCI. You’ll also have the opportunity to meet and engage with our team members.

In addition, Prof. Steimle offers an office hour on Wednesday, 5th February (2:15–3:45 pm) where you can drop by to ask your questions. It will take place in room 2.23, building E1.7.

Lastly, we will soon share further details regarding the formalities of the design competition. We are already looking forward to seeing your designs!


Update on Tutorial #4

Written on 17.01.25 by Marie Mühlhaus

Dear students,

Tutorial #4 (Joys) has to be canceled today. Students from tutorial #4 can either attend tutorial #5 (Kanika) which takes place at the same time in room 206 in E1.1 or tutorial #6 (Fahim) which takes place from 2-4pm in 001 in E1.7.



Update on Assignment 6 (Project Assignment 2) - Exercise 4(a)

Written on 13.01.25 by Marie Mühlhaus

Dear students,

as we have been made aware of some problems with exporting the .html files of the hi-fi prototype using Figma/Axure (exercise 4(a)), we have decided that you can also share a link to your prototype instead of submitting the .html code. If you choose this option, please include the… Read more

Dear students,

as we have been made aware of some problems with exporting the .html files of the hi-fi prototype using Figma/Axure (exercise 4(a)), we have decided that you can also share a link to your prototype instead of submitting the .html code. If you choose this option, please include the link to your prototype in the GGG_main.pdf file of your submission. Please also note that this option has two important implications: You have to make sure that (1) you do not make any changes to this prototype after submission (i.e. the prototype must match the pdf walkthrough of exercise 4(b)!) and (2) that your tutor can properly access the prototype via the link - if in doubt, please double check by sending a message to your tutor.

Good luck with the final push of the project assignment!

Results of Assignment 4

Written on 09.01.25 (last change on 09.01.25) by Marie Mühlhaus

Dear students,

the results of assignment 4 are available in CMS. You can see your results on your personal status page. If you have any questions about the grading, please reach out to your tutor. 



Updates on Tutorial #3 and Assignments

Written on 17.12.24 (last change on 09.01.25) by Marie Mühlhaus

Dear students,

Tutorial #3 (Mirha) has to be rescheduled this week. A replacement tutorial will be offered by Mirha this Friday, 4–6 pm, in room 001, building E1.7. Students from tutorial #3 can either attend this replacement session or join another tutorial of their choice.

Finally, this is a… Read more

Dear students,

Tutorial #3 (Mirha) has to be rescheduled this week. A replacement tutorial will be offered by Mirha this Friday, 4–6 pm, in room 001, building E1.7. Students from tutorial #3 can either attend this replacement session or join another tutorial of their choice.

Finally, this is a friendly reminder that the second project assignment was released last week. The deadline for this assignment is January 15th, 23:59. Please note that we do not expect you to work on the project during the end-of-year break. Moreover, in the first exercise of the new project assignment, you have the chance to improve the requirements you proposed in the first project assignment. The results and feedback from the first project assignment can be found on your personal status page. If you have any questions, please reach out to your tutor.

Finally, due to the project phase, there will be no lectures on January 7th and 8th

All information can also be found in the CMS calendar.

Enjoy the break,

Additional Content in Recap Slides for Lectures 5 & 6

Written on 03.12.24 by Marie Mühlhaus

Dear students,

This is a kind note for those who could not attend today's live lecture: We have uploaded the recap slides for lectures 5 & 6 which were presented today. These slides also include some new material on Generative AI that was not part of the original slide decks 5 & 6, but is equally… Read more

Dear students,

This is a kind note for those who could not attend today's live lecture: We have uploaded the recap slides for lectures 5 & 6 which were presented today. These slides also include some new material on Generative AI that was not part of the original slide decks 5 & 6, but is equally relevant. Please make sure to take a look at these slides.


Updates on This Week's Tutorials

Written on 02.12.24 by Marie Mühlhaus

Dear students,

Please note the following updates for this week’s tutorials:

  • Tutorial #1 (Max) has to be canceled this week. Students of tutorial #1 can attend the tutorial which will be held at the same time in lecture hall 001 in E1.3, or attend another tutorial of their choice.
  • Room… Read more

Dear students,

Please note the following updates for this week’s tutorials:

  • Tutorial #1 (Max) has to be canceled this week. Students of tutorial #1 can attend the tutorial which will be held at the same time in lecture hall 001 in E1.3, or attend another tutorial of their choice.
  • Room Changes:
    • Tutorial #4 (Joys) will be held in room 3.23, Building E1.7
    • Tutorial #6 (Fahim) will be held in room 106, Building E1.1

Additionally, this week’s tutorials will cover some new material on UI Design Principles & Guidelines. While this material is not part of the lecture or exam, it provides useful insights and we highly recommend engaging with it! We make the slides available as bonus material in CMS.

Have a nice week,

Results of Assignment 2

Written on 27.11.24 by Marie Mühlhaus

Dear students,

the results of the second assignment are now published in CMS. You can see your results on your personal status page. If you have any questions about the grading, please reach out to your tutor. 



Re-exam Date

Written on 25.11.24 (last change on 20.12.24) by Marie Mühlhaus

Dear students,

We have set the date for the re-exam, which will take place on 3 April 2025 at 10:00.

Have a good start into the week,

Results of Assignment 1 & Tutorial Room Changes

Written on 18.11.24 by Marie Mühlhaus

Dear students,

the results of the first assignment are now published in CMS. You can see your results on your personal status page. Please note that we have decided to remove the second statement of Question 5 from the grading, so the maximum total points for Question 5 are 11 points instead of 12.… Read more

Dear students,

the results of the first assignment are now published in CMS. You can see your results on your personal status page. Please note that we have decided to remove the second statement of Question 5 from the grading, so the maximum total points for Question 5 are 11 points instead of 12. If you have any questions about the grading, please contact your tutor. 

Furthermore, there will be a room change for two of this week’s tutorials (21/22 Nov):
* Tutorial #1 (Max) will be held in room 407, Building E1.1
* Tutorial #5 (Kanika) will be held in room 407, building E1.1
You can also find these details in the CMS calendar.

Also, this is a friendly reminder that there will be no lectures this week due to the project phase. 

Have a nice week,


Replacement Tutorials for 1st November and Tutorial Room Changes

Written on 29.10.24 (last change on 29.10.24) by Marie Mühlhaus

Dear students,

this Friday (November 1st) is a public holiday. Therefore, no tutorials will be held on that day. Replacement tutorials for the affected tutorials will be offered this Thursday (October 31st). Please note that there will also be some room changes for the regular Thursday tutorials… Read more

Dear students,

this Friday (November 1st) is a public holiday. Therefore, no tutorials will be held on that day. Replacement tutorials for the affected tutorials will be offered this Thursday (October 31st). Please note that there will also be some room changes for the regular Thursday tutorials this week.

Below is the updated schedule for this week’s tutorials:

  • Tutorial #1 (Max) (regular): 31st October, 10:00 - 12:00, Room 206, Building E1.1
  • Tutorial #7 & #8 (Azlan & Joys) (regular): 31st October, 10:00 - 12:00, Hall 001, Building E1.3
  • Tutorial #2 (Azlan) [Room Change]: 31st October, 12:00 - 14:00, Room 106, Building E1.1
  • Tutorial #3 (Mirha) [Room Change]: 31st October, 16:00 - 18:00, Room 106, Building E1.1
  • Tutorial #4 (Joys) [Replacement Tutorial]: 31st October, 16:00 - 18:00, Room 206, Building E1.1
  • Tutorial #5 (Kanika) [Replacement Tutorial]: 31st October, 10:00 - 12:00, Room 3.23, Building E1.7
  • Tutorial #6 (Fahim) [Replacement Tutorial]: 31st October, 14:00 - 16:00, Room 106, Building E1.1

You can also find these details in the updated CMS calendar.

Additionally, tutorial and team assignments should now be visible on your CMS personal page. Please be aware that team numbers in CMS may differ from those in Doodle. If you spot any discrepancies in your assigned team members or tutorial, send a mail to hci(at) as soon as possible.


Additional Tutorial Slot and Important Registration Information

Written on 24.10.24 by Marie Mühlhaus

Dear students,

We have now added a new tutorial to Doodle, taking place on Thursdays from 10:00-12:00. A few spots have also opened up across the other six tutorials.

These new spots are specifically for those of you who have not yet been able to register for any tutorial at all. Please only… Read more

Dear students,

We have now added a new tutorial to Doodle, taking place on Thursdays from 10:00-12:00. A few spots have also opened up across the other six tutorials.

These new spots are specifically for those of you who have not yet been able to register for any tutorial at all. Please only take a slot if you don’t already have one, as this will help us gauge whether the current number of spots is sufficient or if we need to further scale up.


If you or your group find yourselves in a tutorial slot that you absolutely cannot attend, please use the CMS forum to arrange a swap with another person or group. We’ve set up a "Swap Meet" category in the forum for this purpose. If you or your group is theoretically available in multiple tutorial slots, please be considerate of those requests from students with more limited availability!

Once you've found a swap partner or group, send an email to me (hci(at) with your names and group numbers.

If you have consulted the CMS forum but haven’t been able to find someone to switch with by Monday 11:59 PM, please send me an email on Tuesday morning.


A reminder: The deadline for CMS registration is today at 11:59 PM. If you haven’t registered in CMS by then, but registered in the Doodle sheet, your name will be removed from the Doodle tomorrow.

Lastly, if you accidentally registered for two groups and haven’t informed me yet, please do so as soon as possible via mail.




Additional Tutorial Slot

Written on 23.10.24 by Marie Mühlhaus

Dear students,

Given the high number of registrations, we will offer an additional tutorial slot. More details will be announced soon through the CMS news.

Best regards,


Tutorial Registration

Written on 22.10.24 by Marie Mühlhaus

Dear students, 

welcome to the HCI course! 

As announced in today’s lecture, please register for a tutorial in teams of 3. The registration is first come first serve. This is the Doodle link for registration: Read more

Dear students, 

welcome to the HCI course! 

As announced in today’s lecture, please register for a tutorial in teams of 3. The registration is first come first serve. This is the Doodle link for registration:

Important note: You can register for a tutorial and a team without a Doodle account, but once you confirm the registration, it cannot be changed anymore. You can only change your registration to a team and tutorial in Doodle if the registration was done while you were logged in with a Doodle account. Hence, please first create a Doodle account, log in to Doodle, and only then do the registration. Registration for teams and tutorials is open until 28th October, 23:59.

The tutorials will start next week. Due to the public holiday on Friday, 1st November, we will offer replacement tutorials for the Friday tutorials. The exact dates and times will be announced next week.

Please also note that the registration to CMS is open until Thursday, October 24th 23:59. A registration to the course afterward is not possible.


Best regards,



Show all

The first class starts on Tuesday, 22 October 2024, 10:15-12:00 (Building E1 3 – Lecture Hall 2).

You do not have to register for this course beforehand. Just come to the first lecture and then register for the course in CMS and for an exercise group.

Registration Deadline for the Course: 24 October 2024, 23:59. The registration will open in the first week of the course.

Registration Deadline for Tutorials and Exercise Groups: 28 October 2024, 23:59.

Note: We will upload videos from the last online iteration of this lecture. These will serve as additional learning material. 
Nevertheless, only the content of the on-site lecture is relevant for the exam. The online videos may differ from this.

For urgent questions, please contact Marie Muehlhaus.


This course teaches the theoretical and practical foundations for human computer interaction. It covers a wide overview of topics, techniques and approaches used for the design and evaluation of modern user interfaces.

The course covers the principles that underlie successful user interfaces, provides an overview of input and output devices and user interface types, and familiarizes students with the methods for designing and evaluating user interfaces. Students learn to critically assess user interfaces, to design user interfaces themselves, and to evaluate them in empirical studies.


  • Fundamentals of human-computer interaction
  • User interface paradigms, input and output devices
  • Desktop & graphical user interfaces
  • Mobile user interfaces
  • Natural user interfaces
  • User-centered interaction design
  • Design principles and guidelines
  • Prototyping
  • Evaluation of user interfaces


This lecture replaces the UID lecture. Therefore students who successfully completed UID will not be allowed to take the lecture.

Transfer of credit from previous semesters:

  • “I have successfully completed the exercises and projects of HCI last year, but have not passed the final exam. Can I just write the exam?”
    Yes you can transfer your exercises and projects from HCI in winter term 2023/24 to HCI in winter term 2024/25, so you do not have to hand in exercises and project assignments a second time.  Please contact Marie Muehlhaus before October 24 2024, 23:59.
  • You cannot transfer partial grades from previous HCI or UID lectures.

Details on the grading scheme will be announced in the first lecture.


The lecture will be based on the book:
Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction (Rogers et al, 3rd ed.)

Additional literature:

  • Shneiderman, B., Plaisant, C.: Designing the User Interface, Pearson, 5th ed.
  • Butz, A., Krüger, A.: Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion, De Gruyter
  • Preim, B., Dachselt, R.: Interaktive Systeme, Springer, 2nd edition (two volumes)
  • Dix, A.: Human-Computer Interaction, Pearson, 3rd edition

All books are available in the library (paper copy, some of them also electronic, see here


Slides, assignments, and videos will be made available online in CMS.



Main exam: 12 February 2025, 10:00 (sharp!)

Re-exam: 3rd April 2025, 10:00 (sharp!)


Prof. Dr. Jürgen Steimle

Tutorials and Organization
Marie Muehlhaus

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