
Anonymous Feedback and Workload

Written on 05.12.2024 17:19 by Niko Hastrich

Dear all,

in the past, you could submit anonymous feedback directly to the teaching team in the CMS. Due to some disrespectful comments, we have disabled this line of feedback. Still, we value your feedback, so you can from now on submit feedback anonymously at Here, a person not involved with the lecture will read your feedback. If it is respectful, they will pass it on to us verbatim. Otherwise, they will summarize your critique and pass it on this way.

A few exercise sheets ago, we asked you to state how many hours you are working for this lecture. This question was sparked by anonymous feedback. The mean workload among the students who answered is 7.8 hours, while the median workload is 8 hours. This roughly corresponds to our expectations, and we do not see a need for changes.
We know that there are some students who are investing more time than intended. However, the tutors reported to us that, typically, students spending too much time do not submit in groups of 3. So, if you are affected and do not submit in a group of 3, talk to your tutor and ask them whether there is some other group with whom they can pair you up.

Best regards,

PS: You can find a chart of the workload distribution here.

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