
Exercise Sheet 7 Task 3.a

Written on 10.12.24 (last change on 10.12.24) by Niko Hastrich

Dear all,

we have noticed that the intended solution for subtask 3.a on exercise sheet 7 was not correct, and decided that every student should get full credits for this subtask.

The problem lies in the fact that n in this task refers to the number of elements currently present in the data… Read more

Dear all,

we have noticed that the intended solution for subtask 3.a on exercise sheet 7 was not correct, and decided that every student should get full credits for this subtask.

The problem lies in the fact that n in this task refers to the number of elements currently present in the data structure. If we do not allow deletions, then we need at most (1 + log n)-many arrays to hold all elements. However, if we allow deletions (which were intended to just pop the last element of some list), this is no longer the case as there are sequences of operations such that afterward we have n lists with one element each. This breaks the running time of the intended solution. Rather, the running times should have referred to the number of insert operations N, that have already taken place.

We deeply apologize for any inconvenience that were caused by this error.

Best regards,

Anonymous Feedback and Workload

Written on 05.12.24 (last change on 05.12.24) by Niko Hastrich

Dear all,

in the past, you could submit anonymous feedback directly to the teaching team in the CMS. Due to some disrespectful comments, we have disabled this line of feedback. Still, we value your feedback, so you can from now on submit feedback anonymously at Read more

Dear all,

in the past, you could submit anonymous feedback directly to the teaching team in the CMS. Due to some disrespectful comments, we have disabled this line of feedback. Still, we value your feedback, so you can from now on submit feedback anonymously at Here, a person not involved with the lecture will read your feedback. If it is respectful, they will pass it on to us verbatim. Otherwise, they will summarize your critique and pass it on this way.

A few exercise sheets ago, we asked you to state how many hours you are working for this lecture. This question was sparked by anonymous feedback. The mean workload among the students who answered is 7.8 hours, while the median workload is 8 hours. This roughly corresponds to our expectations, and we do not see a need for changes.
We know that there are some students who are investing more time than intended. However, the tutors reported to us that, typically, students spending too much time do not submit in groups of 3. So, if you are affected and do not submit in a group of 3, talk to your tutor and ask them whether there is some other group with whom they can pair you up.

Best regards,

PS: You can find a chart of the workload distribution here.

Relocation of Tutorials

Written on 14.11.24 by Niko Hastrich

Dear all,
next week, the beamer in E1.3, SR015 will be replaced. Therefore, all tutorials taking place in this room are moved as follows:
Mo 10-12 (Lars) takes place in E1.1, 407
Mo 12-14 (Mahmoud) takes place in E1.3, HS003
Thu 8-10 (Johannes) takes place in E1.3, HS003
Thu 10-12 (Jashman) takes… Read more

Dear all,
next week, the beamer in E1.3, SR015 will be replaced. Therefore, all tutorials taking place in this room are moved as follows:
Mo 10-12 (Lars) takes place in E1.1, 407
Mo 12-14 (Mahmoud) takes place in E1.3, HS003
Thu 8-10 (Johannes) takes place in E1.3, HS003
Thu 10-12 (Jashman) takes place in E1.1, 3.06

Exam Dates

Written on 12.11.24 by Karl Bringmann

Dear students,

The exam dates have been fixed as follows:

Final Exam: 13.02. 16:00-18:30

Re-Exam: 25.3. 14:00-16:30

Tutorial Assignment, Exercise Sheet 2, Sample Solutions

Written on 24.10.24 by Niko Hastrich

Dear all,

as some of you already noticed, you were assigned to a tutorial now. If there are any dealbreakers with your assignments, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Exercise sheet #2 is published now and as always you have one week to solve it (deadline is October 31st 12:00). Additionally, we… Read more

Dear all,

as some of you already noticed, you were assigned to a tutorial now. If there are any dealbreakers with your assignments, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Exercise sheet #2 is published now and as always you have one week to solve it (deadline is October 31st 12:00). Additionally, we published a sample solution to the first exercise sheet.


One Submission per Team

Written on 24.10.24 by Niko Hastrich

Dear all,

for each team, exactly one team member should submit your solution (either digitally or physically). This helps the tutors to only grade each exercise sheet once.
Even though we decided against using the teams feature of the CMS, all of you will get the respective points for the exercise… Read more

Dear all,

for each team, exactly one team member should submit your solution (either digitally or physically). This helps the tutors to only grade each exercise sheet once.
Even though we decided against using the teams feature of the CMS, all of you will get the respective points for the exercise sheet. To be able to do that, you must write the names of all your team members on your solution.


Corrected Deadline for First Exercise Sheet

Written on 17.10.24 by Niko Hastrich

Please note that we put the wrong Deadline on the first exercise sheet. The correct deadline is next Thursday, October 24. We have corrected the uploaded version. As mentioned in the lecture, this gives you one week to work on the exercises.


Update Your Tutorial Choice

Written on 16.10.24 by Niko Hastrich

Dear all,

up until now, you were only able to assign preferences for the time of your tutorial. For the time slots where there is an English and a German tutorial simultaneously, this did not allow you to choose the tutorial language. We have updated the tutorial choices for you to be able to give… Read more

Dear all,

up until now, you were only able to assign preferences for the time of your tutorial. For the time slots where there is an English and a German tutorial simultaneously, this did not allow you to choose the tutorial language. We have updated the tutorial choices for you to be able to give preferences to each tutorial individually, allowing you to specify the language of the tutorial you prefer.

This erased all preferences. So, please update your preferences by next Wednesday, October 23rd.


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