
Re-Exam Room

Written on 21.03.25 by Karl Bringmann

Dear students,

For the re-exam on Tuesday, please go to the following room depending on the first letter of your last name:

Letter Room
A-N GHH in E2.2
O-Z HS I in E2.5


Recall that you are only allowed to participate in the exam if… Read more

Dear students,

For the re-exam on Tuesday, please go to the following room depending on the first letter of your last name:

Letter Room
A-N GHH in E2.2
O-Z HS I in E2.5


Recall that you are only allowed to participate in the exam if (1) you got enough points on the exercise sheets and (2) you registered in the LSF system (or WiWi's Vipa system) or you contacted the organizers explaining why you cannot register and you got a confirmation that you can participate.

Re-Exam Registration

Written on 11.03.25 by Karl Bringmann

Dear students,

The registration for the re-exam on LSF is now open. You can register until one week before the exam (March 18). The same rules as for the final exam apply, that is, in order to participate in the exam you must have achieved enough points in the exercises and register in LSF or Vipa… Read more

Dear students,

The registration for the re-exam on LSF is now open. You can register until one week before the exam (March 18). The same rules as for the final exam apply, that is, in order to participate in the exam you must have achieved enough points in the exercises and register in LSF or Vipa or send an email to Niko explaining why you cannot register in these systems.

Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures

This lecture gives an introduction to the design of efficient algorithms and data structures, as well as analyzing their correctness and running time. We will cover sorting algorithms, basic data structures (linked lists, stacks, priority queues, balanced binary search trees, hashing), and basic graph algorithms (traversal, shortest path, minimum spanning tree). We will discuss algorithm design techniques such as divide and conquer, exhaustive search, greedy and dynamic programming as well as randomized algorithms and amortized analysis of algorithms.


Lecture Format

Lecture: Thursdays 12:15-14:00 (E2 2 HS 001, Günter-Hotz-Hörsaal)

The first lecture will take place on October 17. The lectures will be held in English.

We will try to make recordings of the lecture available on this website, but there can always be technical difficulties, so we recommend attending in person.

Prerequisites: It is recommended to have taken Programming 1+2 and Mathematics for Computer Scientists 1+2 before this course.


Exercise Sheets & Tutorials

Exercise sheets will be handed out on Thursday and are due on the next Thursday before the lecture. Your solutions should be submitted either physically in the lecture hall or digitally via this website. Physical solutions are handwritten or printed sheets of paper. Digital solutions are submitted as a PDF by writing in LaTeX, writing in a common word processor like Word, or as a high quality scan/photo of a handwritten submission. The first page of your solutions must list your name and your tutorial slot.

You can work in groups of up to 3 students on the exercises. Each group must submit exactly one solution (for digital solutions this means that exactly one group member should submit the solutions via this website). The first page of your solutions must list all group members. Each group must write their own solution and must not copy the solution of another group!

The exercises sheets will be written in English, but you can choose to write your solutions in English or German depending on the tutorial you choose (i.e. check the submission language in the table below).

Solutions to the exercises will be presented in the weekly tutorials. Tutorials start on October 28. We offer the following tutorial slots:

Time Tutor Room Tutorial Language Submission Language
Monday 8-10 Jonas E1.3, SR014 English English or German
Monday 10-12 Jan E1.3, SR014 English English or German
Monday 10-12 Lars E1.3, SR015 German English or German
Monday 12-14 Thorben E1.3, SR014 English English or German
Monday 12-14 Mahmod E1.3, SR015 German English or German
Monday 14-16 Samuel E1.3, SR014 German English or German
Monday 16-18 Florian E1.3, SR014 German English or German
Thursday 8-10 Johannes E1.3, SR015 German English or German
Thursday 10-12 Jashmanpreet E1.3, SR015 English English or German


When registering on this website, you are asked to give your preferences for tutorial slots. You can submit your preferences until October 23. We will then create a tutorial assignment on October 24.


Office Hours

We offer Office Hours, where you can ask tutors about the course material or exercises:

  • Tuesdays 13:00-14:00, room 401 E1 3
  • Wednesdays 11:00-12:00, room 401 E1 3



If you feel confident with the core concepts of the lecture and would like to explore more advanced topics, we offer an extra tutorial which is:

  • solving additional, difficult exercises
  • presenting additional material related to the lecture, e.g. more efficient algorithms
  • discussing unexpected applications of the lecture material

This happens Tuesdays 14:15-16:00 in room 024 building E1 4 (MPI-Inf), starting on October 29. It is organized by Evangelos Kipouridis. Participation is voluntary.


Grading and Exams

To be able to obtain a certificate you must register in the LSF system. If you are unable to register in LSF, please contact Niko.

To be admitted to the final exam and the re-exam, you need to score at least 50% of the points on the exercise sheets. For the exams you are allowed to bring a single handwritten DinA4-sheet (which can be written on both sides); photocopies and printouts are not allowed. Your final grade will be the better of your grade in the final exam and your grade in the re-exam.

  • Final Exam: 13.02. 16:00-18:30
  • Re-Exam: 25.03. 14:00-16:30


Tentative Schedule

Date Topic Comment
Oct 17
Introduction (machine model, O-notation, correctness proofs)
Oct 24
Basic Sorting Algorithms and Lower Bound
Oct 31
Non-comparison-based Sorting + Basic Data Structures
Nov 7
More Basic Data Structures + Binary Search Trees
Nov 14
Balanced Binary Search Trees
Nov 21
Divide and Conquer
replacement lecturer: Evangelos Kipouridis
Nov 28
Priority Queues
Dec 5
Introduction to Randomized Algorithms
replacement lecturer: Evangelos Kipouridis
Graphs: Representation and Traversal
replacement lecturer: Evangelos Kipouridis
Dec 19
Dec 26 --- lecture-free period
Jan 2 --- lecture-free period
Jan 9
Graphs II: Shortest Paths
Jan 16
Graphs III: Minimum Spanning Trees
Jan 23
Greedy and Dynamic Programming
Jan 30 More Dynamic Programming  
Feb 6
Outlook, Q&A

















There are many good books and lecture scripts on the topic, here is a selection:

  • [Blä] M. Bläser, Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures, 2015 (Script)
  • [MS] K. Mehlhorn, P. Sanders, Algorithms and Data Structures - The Basic Toolbox, Springer, 2008 (ISBN: 9783540779773)
  • [CLRS] T. H. Cormen, C. E. Leiserson, R. L. Rivest, C. Stein, Introduction to Algorithms - Fourth Edition, MIT Press, 2022 (ISBN: 9780262046305)
  • [Eri] J. Erickson, Algorithms, 2019 (Free electronic version)
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