
Title Type Location Serial Start End All Day
Exercise Exercise 3 16.06.21 16.06.21 No 
Exercise Exercise 3 02.06.21 02.06.21 No 
Exercise Exercise 3 19.05.21 19.05.21 No 
Exercise Exercise 3 21.04.21 21.04.21 No 
Exercise Exercise 3 30.06.21 30.06.21 No 
From Generic to Generative Programming Lecture 1 22.06.21 22.06.21 No 
Functional Abstraction and Higher-Order Functions Lecture 1 11.05.21 11.05.21 No 
Generative Domain Models Lecture 1 06.07.21 06.07.21 No 
Introduction Lecture 1 13.04.21 13.04.21 No 
Introduction to Product-Line Engineering Lecture 1 15.06.21 15.06.21 No 
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