
Results of the final exam and exam inspection date

Written on 25.02.2021 15:35 by Moritz Böhle

Dear students,

the results for the final exam are now available and you should be able to see them in the CMS. 

The exam inspection will take place between 10:00am and 12:00pm on March 4th in the lecture hall HS002—please register in the CMS until Sunday so we can assign you a time slot! 


I would further like to remind you again that it is mandatory that you bring your own face mask, which is to be worn at all times.

Moreover, if you feel sick, stay home!

In particular, if your answer is "yes" to one or more of the following questions, then you are not allowed to attend the exam inspection. 

Did you have definite contact with a Covid-19 patient, who was tested positive, in the last 14 days?

Do you have any of the following symptoms?

▪ Cough / Husten

▪ Sore throat / Halsschmerzen

▪ Nasal congestion / runny nose / Schnupfen

▪ Diarrhoea /Durchfall

▪ Fever /Fieber

▪ Aches and pains / Gliederschmerzen

▪ Loss of smell (e.g. no longer able to smell burnt food) / Geruchsverlust

▪ Loss of taste (e.g. unable to distinguish when food is burnt) / Geschmacksverlust”

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