
Title Type Location Serial Start End All Day
Lecture Stream: Query Processing Lecture <a href="https://youtu.be/IRvQ2F5hclw">https://youtu.be/IRvQ2F5hclw</a> 1 09.12.20 09.12.20 No 
Lecture Stream: Intro and administrative remarks Lecture <a href="https://youtu.be/SMLDuYrAZZs">https://youtu.be/SMLDuYrAZZs</a> 1 04.11.20 04.11.20 No 
Lecture Stream: Indexing Lecture YouTube 1 02.12.20 02.12.20 No 
Lecture Stream: Crash Recovery Lecture <a href="https://youtu.be/2qbepapaMqA">https://youtu.be/2qbepapaMqA</a> 1 13.01.21 13.01.21 No 
Lecture Stream: Indexing (Part 1) Lecture <a href="https://youtu.be/LdVdkOpSI2o">https://youtu.be/LdVdkOpSI2o</a> 1 25.11.20 25.11.20 No 
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