
Links I showed on Friday re "must published research findings are false"

Written on 18.11.2024 13:19 by Ingmar Weber

Pimeyes: scary facial recognition service,

"Why Most Published Research Findings Are False", the paper that kicked of the "replication crisis" (,

"Chocolate promotes weight loss", the problem with trying out lots of things and only reporting the one that works,,

Bonferroni Correction, one of the ways to deal with this "multiple hypothesis" setting:

Same data, different analysts, different conclusions: two studies show that the _same_ data and the _same_ research question can lead to different results:,

Reproducibility crisis in machine learning, partly caused by "leakage" where some information from the training data leaks into the test data:

One example of a meta analysis of if [insert some food] is good or bad for you. Coffee in this case:




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