
Assignment of topics

Written on 26.04.2022 13:30 by Michael Sammler

Hi, everyone.

We have updated the list of topics on the main site of the CMS. Now it is your turn to decide about which of the topics you are interested in leading the discussion! As a reminder, each student who is officially taking the course needs to lead the discussion of one topic. (If you are a student just auditing this course, please ignore this email.)

We will handle the assignment of topics via the tutorial assignment system of the CMS. The process for you works as follows:
1. Look at the list of topics at and decide which you do (not) want to lead.
2. Go to your personal status page (should be at ) and give preferences to topics via the tutorial preference selection mechanism. Each topic corresponds to one tutorial (except the "For auditing students" tutorial which you should ignore and give 0 points). Note that this assignment works by giving points to the topics / tutorials you do not want to lead. Input your preferences until the lecture this Friday (29.4.).
3. We will do the assignment of topics during the lecture on Friday 29.4.. Make sure to attend this lecture as we will assume that people not attending the lecture on 29.4. have dropped out of the course.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

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