

Written on 25.02.20 by Joris Nix

Dear students,

please upload the slides of your presentation on your personal status page.

Best regards,

Qualis Course Evaluation

Written on 31.01.20 by Joris Nix

Dear students,

we uploaded the Qualis course evaluation to our materials section.

Best regards,


Written on 29.01.20 (last change on 29.01.20) by Joris Nix

Dear students,

we just entered your final grades for the seminar. You can find them under your "Personal Status" page.

Thanks to all of you for participating!

Best regards,

Crazy Papers in Big Data Engineering

In this seminar we discusss "crazy" ideas from big data management. By "crazy" we mean that those ideas seemed non-obvious, totally out-of-the-box or even nonsense at the time but actually turned out to be creative, fresh, or even outrageous solutions.

Below you find the list of papers which will be discussed in the seminar.

  1. ARQuery: Hallucinating Analytics over Real-World Data using Augmented Reality [LINK] (Christian Schön)
  2. OligoArchive: Using DNA in the DBMS storage hierarchy [LINK] (Immanuel Haffner)
  3. Survey of Information Encoding Techniques for DNA [LINK] (Felix Martin Schuhknecht)
  4. Self-Driving Database Management Systems [LINK] (Marcel Maltry)
  5. A Database System with Amnesia [LINK] (Felix Martin Schuhknecht)
  6. High Performance Transactions in Deuteronomy [LINK] (Joris Nix)
  7. SharedDB: Killing One Thousand Queries With One Stone [LINK] (Felix Martin Schuhknecht)
  8. Predictable performance for unpredictable workloads [LINK] (Marcel Maltry)
  9. HyPer: A hybrid OLTP&OLAP main memory database system based on virtual memory snapshots [LINK] (Ankur Sharma)
  10. The Complete Story of Joins (in HyPer) [LINK] (Felix Martin Schuhknecht)
  11. QAGen: generating query-aware test databases [LINK] (Marcel Maltry)
  12. The Case for Deep Query Optimisation [LINK] (Christian Schön)
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