
Seminar Report

Written on 14.03.23 by Jan Reineke

This is a gentle reminder that the seminar report is due on March 24. Note that this only applies to students taking the course as a seminar (not a proseminar).
You can turn in your report via the CMS.

First Presentation Session Today

Written on 12.01.23 by Jan Reineke

Dear all,

We will have our first presentation session today from 16:00 to 18:30.

The session will take place in Room 401 in Building E1 3.

Best regards,

Jan Reineke

Reminder: Presentation Draft Deadline

Written on 05.12.22 by Shrey Sharma

The deadlines for rough draft discussion are fast approaching. Note that these are hard deadlines and can not be postponed.

The complete schedule is available in the timetable section of the CMS.

Please reach out to the advisor for your assigned paper and schedule an appointment before the deadline.

Course Registration

Written on 23.11.22 by Jan Reineke

You can now register for the course in the LSF. Registration is open until December 9.

Submit Paper and Date Preferences

Written on 07.11.22 by Jan Reineke

Do not forget to submit your preferences for papers and date until Wednesday night using the links in the introductory slides!

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