Final Presentations on Wednesday, 4th of March 2020Written on 28.02.20 by Tim Schwartz The final presentations of the demonstrations that were developed during the seminar will be presented on Wednesday, 4th of March, 2020, 10:00-13:00 h at the MRK 4.0 Lab. Each group will present a 20 minutes talk about their project, which will be followed by a 10 minutes live demonstration. 5 minutes… Read more The final presentations of the demonstrations that were developed during the seminar will be presented on Wednesday, 4th of March, 2020, 10:00-13:00 h at the MRK 4.0 Lab. Each group will present a 20 minutes talk about their project, which will be followed by a 10 minutes live demonstration. 5 minutes are reserved for each group for questions and for the next group to prepare their talk/demonstration. Students can start building up/preparing their set-up at 9 a.m., or even better, the day before (Tuesday).
Kick-off scheduled to Tue, November 5th, 2 - 4 p.m @ DFKI Room ReuseWritten on 16.10.19 by Tim Schwartz The seminar kick-off is now scheduled to Tuesday, November 5, 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. at DFKI, Room Reuse. |
ZeMA is joiningWritten on 25.09.19 by Tim Schwartz We are happy to announce that the Zentrum für Mechatronik und Automatisierungstechnik (ZeMA will collaborate with us in the seminar.
Cognitive and Cooperative Robotics
Type: Seminar, WS/SS 2019/2020
Short description: In this practical seminar, you will learn how to program and use robots of various kinds, e.g. humanoid robots (RethinkRobotics Baxter and Softbank Pepper), telepresence robots (Double Robot), and even drones (DJI Tello). Students will form teams and develop small demonstrations that should address cognitive behaviour (by implementing AI methods) and/or human-robot collaboration. In both cases additional sensors and interaction hardware will also be available, e.g. Microsoft HoloLens, HTC Vive, RGBD cameras, Smart Watches, Eyetrackers and even a Brain Computer Interface (BCI) hardware.
Learning Goals:
learn how robots work and how to program them (e.g. ROS)
gain practical experience in AI methods
learn how to structure team work
Language: English
Coordinator: Dr. Tim Schwartz (DFKI)
More Info: The seminar will be available for up to 20 people. You will be asked to form small teams of 3 to 4 people. We will propose some (hopefully) interesting topics to you, including references to related papers and give you tutorials on how to use the different robotic platforms to get you started. If you have your own idea for a cognitive and/or cooperative robotic system, please feel free to talk to us. During the semester, you will develop your robotic system, give short talks presenting your goals, working plan and intermediate results. At the end of the seminar, we will organise a small fair, where you will demonstrate your systems to each other, to Jana Koehler (CEO of DFKI) and to your friends and colleagues.
Registration: Registration is closed