
Assignment 01 & Team Groupings

Written on 25.04.2024 12:49 by Luca Gretscher

Dear students,

we have just uploaded Assignment 01. Instructions for the submission can be found at the end of the document.

Please note that the submission is only allowed in teams of 3 to 4 students. Furthermore, we ask that you try to form teams of exactly 4 students to reduce the number of submissions.

To register your team, you have to use the Team Groupings functionality of the CMS. This means for you that a team member creates a group in the CMS on the personal status page and invites all other team members to the group. You can create your team until Thursday 02.05.24 at 10:00am, after that it is not possible to change the team. If you need to change your team during the semester, please contact your tutor.

If you haven't found a team yet, you can use our forum to find one.

Kind regards,
Your BDE Team

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