
Title Type Location Serial Start End All Day
Public Holiday (Fronleichnam) Info 08.06.23 N/A Yes 
Assignment Sheet 2 Assignments https://cms.sic.saarland/bde23 27.04.23 04.05.23 No 
Public Holiday (Christi Himmelfahrt) Info 18.05.23 N/A Yes 
Public Holiday (Pfingstmontag) Info 29.05.23 N/A Yes 
Start of the main teaching period Info 11.04.23 N/A Yes 
Assignment Sheet 1 Assignments https://cms.sic.saarland/bde23 20.04.23 27.04.23 No 
End of the main teaching period Info 21.07.23 N/A Yes 
Public Holiday (Tag der Arbeit) Info 01.05.23 N/A Yes 
Deadline Tutorial Preferences Info 20.04.23 20.04.23 No 
Assignment Sheet 3 Assignments https://cms.sic.saarland/bde23 04.05.23 11.05.23 No 
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